Global market sentiments together with continued buying by foreign institutional investors led domestic markets to pose one of the best six consecutive weekly gains after almost a year. The fact behind such a move is that market participants are gaining a lot of confidence & believe that the domestic economic activity is getting stronger & stronger over the period.
Encouraging advance tax payments for the Q4 March 2010 also assured the market participants for better than expected corporates profit. As expected Standard & Poor’s (S&P), the credit rating agency revised India’s outlook to ’stable’ from ‘negative’ with the government’s pledge to reduce fiscal deficit over the next three years in the budget.
The move complemented overall sentiments of the market post the S&P upgrade as some foreign investors who were restricted from investing in countries below a certain degree of credit worthiness would now come to the market. On the expected lines of monetary tightening, RBI surprised the markets on the last day of trading by increasing both policy rates by 25 bps, a month before its quarterly meeting scheduled in April.
In the light of sustained pickup in economic activity & headline inflation passing through the baseline projection of 8.5 for end-March 2010 has induced RBI to come up with such stronger action. Moreover, non-food manufacturing products that constitutes 52.2 per cent weight in WPI has seen sustained rise from negative (-0.4 per cent) in November 2009 to 4.3 per cent in February 2010.
Increasing capacity utilisation and rising commodity and energy prices are exerting pressure on overall inflation. The small hike of 25 bps in policy rates is considered only as a signal & if needed, RBI may come out with more of such steps in case of sustained inflationary conditions in the economy. In the coming week, interest rate sensitive like, Auto & Real estate stocks may see some pressure on the expectation of dearer loans in the future.
Overall trend of world markets is still up but the rise in dollar index every now and then gives some fear to the rally in commodities. Dollar index, which is at current levels of 80.75, if closes above its key resistance level of 81, can give jitters to various commodities and stock markets so one should take care. Nifty has support between 5150-5050 levels and Sensex between 17200-16800 levels.
Range trading from last few weeks has kept investors in a fix. Ambiguity over the next move is refraining investors to take large positions in commodities. Currency has become crucial here. Greece concern is capping the upside of euro and dollar index is not breaking its range.
Furthermore, there is no as such big fundamental news which can give a clear cut direction to commodities. Some supply disruption in copper and nickel can support the prices at higher side. Hence, cautious trading is advised for investors.
Even in agro commodities, arrival pressure in many commodities is limiting the upside despite the steady demand. Once arrivals get clear, bottom formation is expected in many agro commodities.
Uite ca Dacia a găsit o soluţie de evitare a situaţiei din titlu şi a lansat Duster cu PROST, Alain PROST . O mare onoare pentru o mare realizare. În plus ca să fie în ton cu vremurile actuale, cand totul în jurul nostru este praf, la propriu, Duster face imagine discordantă şi cu siguranţă va trece cu uşurinţă atât prin praful economic cat mai ales prin praful drumurilor de ţară Românească.
Bravo Dacia, Bravo Duster
De ce ?
1. Dimensiuni de maşină mică de clasa B
2. Greutate redusă. Este realmente zveltă. Cel mai nesuferit lucru este să încerci să conduci o balenă. Incercaţi şi o să vă convingeţi.
3. Motoare cu cilindree mică şi putere mare. Benzina de 1,6 l cu 106 CP iar dieselele 1,5 l de 85CP şi 110 CP. Raportul Kg/CP este aproximativ 11,5. Pentru o comparaţie cupeul lui Honda, S2000 are 5,2 Kg/CP şi este o maşină absolut extraordinară, iar în clasa SUV voi enumera VW Tiguan 11,1 Kg/CP, Ford KUGA 11,9Kg/CP, KIA Sportage 10,8 Kg/CP, Suzuki Vitara 12,2 Kg/CP, Land Rover Freelander 11,8 Kg/CP. Avantaj Duster !! Datorită cilindreei mult mai mici decât la concurenţi, impozitul şi taxele de asigurare sunt cam la jumătate din cele ale concurenţei.
4. Consumul declarat în oraş este chiar de mare tupeu: 6,5 l/100km. Extraurban cifrele stau invers – 5,6 l/100 km.
5. Cel mai ieftin concurent al Daciei Duster este un Kia Sportage şi costă 21.000 €. Avantaj Duster. Cel mai scump este 15.600 €. Adică o diferenţă de minimum 5.400 €. O economie cu care poţi să-ţi mai cumperi încă un Logan „chel” sau chiar sa-ţi faci o vacanţă de neuitat aproape oriunde în lume.
6. Interiorul este de Logan. Dar … surpriză ! Nu mai este atât de auster cum ne-am obişnuit. Tinde chiar să aibă mici „fitze”. Dar din cele utile. Spaţii de depozitare peste tot, tot felul de senzori şi martori inexistenţi pe Logan (ex. Martori de airbag pasager dezactivat sau centură pasager necuplată), volan îmbrăcat în piele, chiar şi tapiţerie din piele, bancheta spate fracţionabilă, geamuri electrice, aer condiţionat, ornamente elegante şi altele.
7. 4×4 Nissan. Îl găsim pe Qashquai şi Xtrail. Echipamente bune care nu au generat probleme de foarte multă vreme.
8. Aspectul exterior este elegant-sportiv si asta nu-i „de colea”.
9. Confort optim. Îmi amintesc de vechiul model de Freelander în care trebuia să mă fac mic ca să stau comod. În Duster stau chiar OK.
10. Portbagaj mărişor şi suficient pentru: frigider, televizor, canapea, varză, cartofi, porci, oi, câini, pisici sau foarte multe alte animale mici. Dacă rabat banchetele copii pot crede că au ieşit nu în curte ci pe terasă. Deci suficient pentru de toate.
11. Offroader … NU ! Dar nu-mi este frică să încerc să merg cu el pe unde nu sunt drumuri deloc. Nici măcar poteci. Poate doar un spaţiu îngust prin care să mă strecor. Am reuşit pe vremuri cu Dacia 1100 şi cu Oltcitul. Sunt sigur că merge. De fapt nici nu prea contează. La noi offroad este uneori şi suta de km de autostradă. De fapt, în 99,99 % din cazuri ne bucurăm de un 4×4 iarna şi atunci când ieşim la iarbă verde. Pentru restul de 0,01% din cazuri există maşini offroad veritabile, nu dau nume dar ştiu câteva. Oricum nu am bani pentru ele.
12. Garanţie 4 ani. Costuri de întreţinere mici.
Otomatis pelelangan adalah beberapa cara terbaik untuk dealer pulsa termurah mendapatkan mobil baru atau bekas dengan harga yang sangat besar. Karena tidak ada harga tetap Anda bisa mendapatkan mobil dengan harga apapun selama Anda adalah penawar tertinggi dan Anda telah memenuhi Bisnis Dealer Pulsa jumlah tawaran minimum. Otomatis pelelangan adalah cara yang hebat untuk menyelamatkan ribuan pada mobil bekas. Auto pelelangan banyak bersenang-senang dan beberapa orang hadir hanya untuk melihat berapa banyak mobil yang dijual. It amp s great untuk bertemu dan berbicara dengan Dealer Isi Pulsa dealer dan mendapatkan transaksi besar di mobil untuk jual.
Mobil lelang adalah salah satu tempat terbaik untuk mendapatkan sebuah mobil besar truk atau kendaraan lain dengan harga murah. Ribuan mobil Jadi Dealer Pulsa truk sepeda motor dan mobil SUV akhir di lelang. Mobil biasanya diatur dalam bidang-bidang yang berbeda dari Daftar Dealer Pulsa situs lelang dan lelang yang bersamaan diadakan untuk antara dua dan enam kendaraan. Dibutuhkan sekitar detik untuk menyelesaikan kontrak untuk satu kendaraan. Jadi jika Anda tertarik di dalam kendaraan melakukan penelitian lebih dulu dan siap untuk bertindak cepat
Bank dan Internal Revenue Service juga melelang kendaraan yang telah disita karena pemilik sebelumnya kegagalan untuk membayar Dealer Pulsa Telkomsel kendaraan. Anda mungkin berpikir bahwa mereka hanya akan menjual mobil tua tetapi mereka akan menjual mobil hampir baru dalam pelelangan Dealer Pulsa Elektrik Termurah ini. Dan US Marshall amp s Office juga menyita beberapa sangat high-end dan mewah dealer pulsa termurah kendaraan yang mereka juga melelang.
Tapi membayar lebih untuk dealer pulsa termurah pihak ketiga mobil bekas garansi otomatis diperpanjang sudah tentu bukan yang terburuk digunakan otomatis kesepakatan garansi anda bisa mendapatkan. Terburuk garansi Pusat Dealer Pulsa otomatis diperpanjang kesepakatan untuk membeli satu yang tidak dikeluarkan oleh pihak ketiga sama sekali.
Dealer-Issued Extended Auto Jaminan Dijelaskan
Ya beberapa dealer benar-benar menjual otomatis diperpanjang jaminan yang mereka ciptakan sendiri. Ini dealer-dikeluarkan jaminan mobil biasanya hanya memungkinkan Anda untuk mendapatkan layanan di dealer. Mereka juga tidak mencakup perbaikan Bisnis Dealer Pulsa dilakukan di tempat lain sama sekali atau mereka hanya mencakup perbaikan darurat untuk kerusakan. Dealer Pulsa Tronik
Sering kali seorang pedagang-dikeluarkan digunakan Cari Dealer Pulsa otomatis Dealer Voucher Pulsa diperpanjang bahkan garansi membatasi Anda untuk mendapatkan perawatan di dealer saja. Dengan klien tawanan para dealer biasanya membebankan biaya lebih dari mekanika lokal.
Ada beberapa masalah besar lain dengan agen-dikeluarkan digunakan garansi diperpanjang otomatis
Dealer Pulsa Electrik Apa yang terjadi jika Anda pindah jauh Jawaban Anda harus membeli mobil lain garansi.
Bagaimana jika Anda sedang mengendarai mobil tempat yang jauh ketika mobil anda rusak Jawaban jika yang digunakan otomatis garansi tidak mencakup pengembalian untuk layanan darurat Anda berada dalam kesulitan. Bahkan jika tidak menutupi penggantian biaya sebaiknya kau berharap kartu kredit atau rekening koran bisa menangani kerusakan sementara.
Bagaimana jika dealer bangkrut Jawaban mengantre di belakang bank produsen mobil para dealer vendor dan semua orang berusaha untuk mendapatkan uang dari bisnis.
Dealer Pulsa Paling Murah
Bagaimana jika Anda saja tidak puas dengan kerja dealer Jawaban mengeluh sangat sangat baik. Anda tidak dapat mengambil bisnis Anda di tempat lain kecuali jika Anda bersedia membayar untuk itu.
Perbandingan Jika Anda berbelanja Dealer Pulsa Fisik dealer-dikeluarkan otomatis diperpanjang garansi Anda akan menyadari hal itu tidak layak. Tapi kebanyakan orang Dealer Pulsa Resmi tidak pernah melakukan mobil bekas garansi diperpanjang perbandingan. Ada hanya begitu banyak ketidaktahuan tentang jaminan otomatis. Anda adalah harapan terbaik untuk belajar lebih banyak.
Lebih baik lagi mengapa tidak hanya membeli garansi diperpanjang Dealer Pulsa Elektrik Termurah garansi langsung dari perusahaan bukan dealer membayar ratusan dolar markup di atasnya Dengan cara itu Anda juga dapat penelitian jaminan secara menyeluruh tanpa tekanan.
Bahkan Anda harus mulai menyelidiki jaminan otomatis diperpanjang bahkan sebelum Anda pergi ke dealer. Pendaftaran Dealer Pulsa Anda akan jelas seperti wajah penjual saat kau katakan kau tahu apa yang perusahaan garansi asli biaya untuk jaminan mereka berusaha untuk menjual Anda. Anda juga akan tahu sebelumnya berapa banyak total pembelian mobil benar-benar akan dikenakan biaya.
Jangan menunggu. Jadi Dealer Pulsa Mulailah melihat jaminan otomatis diperpanjang sekarang sebelum dealer amp tenaga penjual pernah punya kesempatan untuk dealer pulsa termurah bernapas ke bawah leher Anda.
To hear the media tell it, everyone wanted a hulking, gas-guzzling Cadillac Escalade before the recession hit. Now, humbled, we all want a tiny, fuel-sipping Nissan Versa. Neither picture is quite true.
As many car-shopping Americans have discovered, the right solution for many of us splits the difference – a compact SUV. Today’s small sport ‘utes are marvels. Most are built on the same platforms as small or midsize cars, making them as easy to drive as sedans – and just as fuel-efficient. The average fuel economy in the Affordable Compact SUV class is about 21 mpg in the city and almost 27 mpg on the highway – similar to what most midsize cars achieve.
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We’ve all been in the situation where the sales associate says “can I interest you in an extended warranty?” The opinion most people seem to have is that it’s a waste of money, until it comes to vehicles. A buyer has a very important decision to make when it comes to whether they should extend the warranty on their car. The following tips can help you make that decision.
Research the Vehicle
Vehicles (especially used) are known for having issues specific to that make and model. For example, when I bought my last vehicle I made sure to get the extended warranty due to the fact that my research suggested that the particular make and model was susceptible to transmission problems. It was worth the few hundred dollars to potentially save myself over a thousand in the years that the vehicle is covered.
Can you afford out of pocket?
Some people have savings accounts devoted to things breaking down. While this is an awesome place to be financially, if you can afford to pay the repair bill if and when the vehicle breaks down, there’s no point in paying interest on the additional dollars financed to pay for the warranty.
Going Shopping… for a warranty?!
I love shopping! Okay, I love shopping for stuff a bit more interesting than a warranty. Regardless, to get the extended warranty that’s best for you, this is a great idea. Not only do dealerships offer extended warranties, but financial institutions (such as credit unions *wink wink*) do as well. Shopping around can save you literally hundreds of dollars, so why take the dealership’s without checking it out first?
Read the fine print
As with anything that involves a vehicle, there’s fine print on the extended warranty that could disclose things like deductibles, coverage options (rental, towing, etc), and even what their definition of “wear and tear” is. You may think you’re getting a fantastic deal, but the fine print could be a deal breaker. It may be a pain, but there’s nothing worse than paying for something that could turn out to be completely useless.
Used Vehicles
You can get extended warranties on used vehicles just as easily as you can new. Dealerships are sometimes reluctant to warranty vehicles more than a year or two old; however, you can once again shop around at financial institutions (including Park!) for a warranty. Speaking of used vehicles, if you’re buying from a private party, it’s *ALWAYS* a good idea to get the vehicle inspected… even if you’re buying from a family member. Telling someone you’ll buy their vehicle pending an inspection may make them roll their eyes or think that you don’t trust them; however, it’s a very legitimate safety precaution that could save you thousands of dollars down the road or even on your first trip around the block. Most mechanics are fairly inexpensive when it comes to inspections, and having a trusted mechanic picked out already will save some time. A warning sign that you could be getting someone else’s lemon is if they decline your request to have it inspected or if you’re just getting a “too good to be true” deal on the vehicle already.
In the fine print somewhere should be the payment policy regarding warranty claims. If your warranty provider requires you to pay the money up front, that’s bad news. Getting a car repaired is expensive! From rental cars to towing to even the repairs themselves, the price tag can add up fast. You may even be forced to take out a loan to cover the costs if your warranty provider doesn’t work directly with the companies involved in getting you back on the road again. Also, ask about warranty reimbursements. Some warranty providers will give you a portion of your warranty back if your coverage period expires without a single claim! That’s almost like getting a tax refund that you weren’t even expecting!
So the question of “should I or shouldn’t I get that warranty?” can only be answered by you. It depends on your financial situation, the vehicle you buy, who you buy it from, and what the warranty covers. We have advisors on staff that would be more than happy to talk to you about the entire auto-buying process, including extended warranties! Just call us at 800/626.2870.
And by the way, did you know our new and used auto loan rates are AWESOME right now? With the money you could save by financing with Park Community, you could get that extended warranty for next to nothing comparatively. Just throwing that out there.
Stories of Toyota owners speeding out of control continue to pour over the airwaves, but one has to wonder why all these Toyotas have all of a sudden decided to act up now after the recall announcement and not before. Are these opportunists taking advantage of potential suit money or just individuals moved by the power of suggestion?
After all if you were speeding at top speeds of 90 or above, unable to slow your vehicle down, would you be able to grab your cell phone and dial the police department? Or would you put your car in neutral and slowly coast to a stop? We all know which one gets more media attention. Hmmmmmm, something to think about when we hear about another Toyota taking off at top speeds.