Juriul COTY format din 59 de specialisti si jurnalisti auto a desemnat Masina anului 2010 in Europa. Punctajul maxim a fost acordat lui VW Polo, care a reusit sa stranga 347 de puncte si 59 de voturi.
Locul doi a fost castigat de Toyota iQ-337 puncte si 58 de voturi, iar urmatorii clasati in ordinea crescatoare au fost: Opel Astra-221 puncte si 55 voturi, Skoda Yeti 158 puncte si 54 voturi, Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 155 puncte si 48 voturi, Peugeot 3008 144 puncte si 49 voturi, Citroen C3 Picasso 113 puncte si 47 voturi.
Volkswagen Polo a primit 59 de voturi din partea juriului COTY, inclusiv 25 de voturi pentru titlul de masina numarul unu in Europa. Toyota iQ a primit 58 de voturi, cu 20 de voturi pentru cea mai buna masina.
Polo a fost selectat dintr-o lista de 33 de masini noi, care au fost supuse la vot de catre jurnalistii auto europeni.
Lista de 33 de masini a fost transformata ulterior intr-una de sapte masini, cei 59 de membri ai juriului selectionand modele participante in finala.
Fiecare membru are 25 de puncte la dispozitie, pe care le putea aloca dupa cum considera, cu toate ca cel putin cinci candidati trebuiau sa primeasca puncte, iar castigatorul ales trebuia sa primeasca un punctaj mai mare decat urmatorii clasati.
Die holländische Regierung plant ein neues KFZ-Steuersystem. Ab 2012 zahlt der Autofahrer abhängig von den gefahrenen Kilometern. Das klingt prinzipiell vernünftig, so müssten diejenigen mehr entrichten, die Straße und Umwelt höher belasten. Bemerkenswert finde ich, dass die Daten via GPS ermittelt werden sollen. Das globale Satellitensystem dient eigentlich der Positionsbestimmung, zur Erfassung der zurückgelegten Kilometer wäre es nicht erforderlich.
Eine “Blackbox” mit GPS-Empfang, die in jedem KFZ auf Hollands Straßen installiert ist, dagegen bietet ungeahnte Möglichkeiten, weit über die Ermittlung der Höhe einer kilometerabhängigen KFZ-Steuererhebung hinaus: Man könnte ein komplettes Bewegungsprofil von allen Autos erstellen. Wer die Daten der “Blackbox” auswertet, weiß wann der Autofahrer wo unterwegs war und wie schnell er gefahren ist. Die Polizei hätte es einfach, beispielsweise Geschwindigkeitsübertretungen festzustellen und nachzuweisen. Das Daten-Modul könnte also als elektronischer Fahrtenschreiber verwendet werden. Sogar der Ablauf eines Verkehrsunfalls wäre im Nachhinein rekonstruierbar, es ließe sich problemlos feststellen, wer wann gebremst oder geblinkt hat oder wie hoch die Geschwindigkeit vor dem Unfall war.
Keinesfalls möchte ich der holländischen Regierung unterstellen, dass sie unter dem Vorwand einer Verkehrssteuerreform ihre autofahrenden Bürger überwachen möchte. Wir wissen doch, dass Politiker keine Hintergedanken haben und immer nur das Beste für ihr Volk wollen,…
Mich wundert nur das die Bundesregierung dergleichen bislang noch nicht in Erwägung gezogen hat.
Man muss das auch mal positiv sehen: Denkbar wäre, dass zukünftig das Multifunktionsdatenerfassungsmodul mit elektronischen Anzeigetafeln funktechnisch kommuniziert, so dass diese den Fahrer persönlich und zielgruppenorientiert informieren können:
Bildquelle: atomsmasher.org
Was für ‘ne schöne neue eWelt, und lieben tue ich Euch auch,..
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Ziniet – nepiekrītu… visu nosaka blīve starp stūri un sēdekli…
Kampaņas lozungs:
* 1/3 avāriju iemesls ir braukšanas ātruma pārsniegšana un nepareiza ātruma izvēle
* gandrīz katrs otrais uz ceļa fiksētais pārkāpums ir par ātruma pārsniegšanu
* visbiežāk ātrs braukšanas stils piemīt gados jaunākiem satiksmes dalībniekiem vecumā no 18-30 gadiem
* Vai ātri braucot, mērķi ir iespējams ātrāk sasniegt? Pārsniedzot ātrumu par 20 km/h, ceļa posmu Ogre-Rīga var veikt par 3 minūtēm ātrāk nekā ievērojot ātrumu. Tādēļ ir pamatots jautājums vai ir vērts riskēt?
“Visbiežāk, runājot par ātru braukšanu, uzmanība tiek vērsta uz sekām vai fiziskiem parametriem, aizmirstot to, ka ātruma pārkāpšanas iemesli visbiežāk ir psiholoģiski. Šoreiz kampaņu esam veidojuši kā „īsu psiholoģisko trilleri”, kas autovadītājiem no malas paraudzīties ļauj uz bīstamām situācijām, kurās viņi pakļaujas Ātruma vilinājumam. Mēs parādām Ātrumu kā viltīgu tēlu, kas manipulē un pakļauj raksturā un gribasspēkā vājākos šoferus. Vēlamies vērst autovadītāju uzmanību uz to, ka mums ir jābūt gudrākiem, stiprākiem un pilnībā jāignorē Ātruma un viņa varā esošo draugu izmantotie triki,” norāda CSDD direktors Andris Lukstiņš.
Pamācošs, tajā pat laikā, interaktīvs video:
Manas domas? – Lūdzu, atvilku ar vislielāko prieku:
Ko es ar to gribēju teikt? – Vajag braukt, neapdraudot citus. Ja ir tukšs ceļa posms, skaidrs laiks, ideāli laika apstākļi, ar tehniku arī viss kārtībā, tad, kāpēc gan nē? Un 90 km/h… marazms, nu labi, tāpat mēs braucam +10, un policija netur, taču, arī tas nav pietiekoši ātri. 110 km/h jau būtu pieņemamāk. Samazinot ātrumu par 10 km/h, kā to vēlas Zivtiņš – ar to nekas netiks panāks. Tie, kuri ir atsaldēti, tāpat paliks atsaldēti… tie, kuri tagad sēņo – sēņos vēl trakāk… Vajag taisīt ceļus, izglītot vadītājus, nodrošināt drošas braukšanas skolas bez maksas, lai cilvēki iemācās savaldīt savu auto jebkurās situācijās.
In vier Wochen wird mein Auto stillgelegt und meinte nun, mir noch etwas als Erinnerung mit auf den Weg geben zu müssen.
Nachdem ich am Mittwochabend alle meine Mitfahrer in HH eingesammelt hatte, ging es auf die Autobahn. Ich freute mich schon darauf, mich mit Rikke zum Chinesischessen zu treffen. Kurz vor Quickborn leuchtete dann die Öl-Warnleuchte auf – kein Öl mehr drin. Ab auf den Standstreifen, Warnweste angezogen, Warndreieck aufgestellt, Mitfahrer hinter der Leitplanke platziert und ich bin los gelaufen zum letzten Rasthof, um Öl zu holen. Der war zum Glück nur 2-3km entfernt – allerdings waren zu dem Zeitpunkt meine Schuhe schon gut durchnässt.
Dort habe ich dann Öl gekauft und bin wieder zurück. Öl rein geschüttet und trotzdem wurde es als leer angezeigt. Unter’s Auto geschaut: Das Öl kam direkt wieder raus. Zu dem Zeitpunkt war schon eine Stunde vergangen, ich war klitschnass und schwitzte und fror gleichzeitig. Allerdings muss ich gestehen, dass ich das erst später gemerkt habe, als ein wenig Ruhe einkehrte.
Also ADAC gerufen und mit den Mitfahrern schon spekuliert, was das sein könnte. Zwei von denen hatten bereits ihre Rückfahrt nach HH organisiert (die Eltern der einen sind gekommen und habe auch noch eine Frau mitgenommen). Als die los fuhren kam die Polizei mit Blaulicht – was ich denn hier machen würde und ob ich sie angerufen hätte? Ich steh hier aus Spaß- klar, aber angerufen hatte ich dort nicht. Naja, die guckten sich das an und der einzige Kommentar war “Naja, das Öl aber dann schön wegmachen, ne?” und dann sind die wieder losgefahren. In dem Moment machte meine Batterie schlapp und die Warnblinker hörten auf zu blinken … Super! Jetzt leuchteten nur noch meine Warnweste und das Warndreieck (achja, hatte ich erwähnt, dass in dem Moment auch mein Handy ausging und die Frau, die noch bei mir war, keines hatte?).
Zum Glück kam dann endlich der Typ vom ADAC. Er konnte so auch nichts erkennen, außer dass Öl austrat (wusste ich schon!). Er fing dann an von wegen “Motorplatzer” und “das wird teuer” … Naja, dann ging es darum, wohin ich geschleppt werden wollte. Nach Flensburg hätte es 500 Euro gekostet – klar, hab ich auch bar bei mir. Ich bat ihn, mich zu einer freien Werkstatt in der Nähe zu bringen. Als das Auto dann aufgeladen war, sahen wir erst, dass der Liter, den ich reingekippt hatte, komplett unten wieder raus gekommen war. Der ADAC-Typ hatte aber Bindemittel dabei. Mit seinem Handy konnte ich auch Mathias anrufen, dass er sich auf den Weg macht, um mich in Norderstedt (dort war die Werkstatt) abzuholen.
Innerlich hatte ich mich schon mit hohen Abschlepp- und Reparaturkosten (das Geld brauche ich ja auch nicht unbedingt in den USA … ) angefreundet und auch mit dem Gedanken, dass heute Abend (war ja schon 22 Uhr) nichts mehr passiert. Immerhin hat der Typ von der Werkstatt dann noch unter die Haube geschaut, um festzustellen, dass es kein Motorplatzer war (Gott sei DANK!!!) und dass es nur der Öldruckschalter war. Er hatte zwar keinen passenden, aber konnte das Loch provisorisch abdichten, so dass ich auf jeden Fall noch nach Flensburg kam. Was glaubt Ihr, wie glücklich ich war. Mathias schnell angerufen, dass er wieder umdrehen kann. Immerhin war er erst 40km gefahren (noch mal an dieser Stelle ein großes Dankeschön!). Dann ging es ans Bezahlen und der Werkstatttyp meinte “gib mir 20 bar, das passt dann” (ich mein, allein das Opel-Öl, was er mir reingekippt hat, war ganz schön teuer) und dann kam der Abschlepptyp, ich solle ihm 30 Euro bar auf die Hand geben und er trägt das dann als Leerfahrt ein (hätte mich sonst 100 Euro gekostet). Mir fiel so ein großer Stein vom Herzen!
Ich machte mein Auto startklar (brauchte Starthilfe wegen der Batterie) und wollte nur schnell noch den leeren Ölkanister in der Werkstatt in den Müll werfen. Da bin ich ausgerutscht und lang hingefallen. Mein linkes Knie ist tierisch dick und blau. Aber immerhin konnte ich wieder nach Flensburg. Dort war ich dann gegen Mitternacht und hab nur noch heiß geduscht. Heute war ich dann nach dem Arztbesuch (hab mir nämlich tierisch was weggeholt und bin bis Ende der Woche krank geschrieben) schnell noch in der Werkstatt. Die haben das Provisorium innerhalb von 15min durch ein Originalteil ersetzt, was mich auch noch mal 30 Euro gekostet hat. Abgesehen vom dem Stress und dem nun Kranksein, bin ich mit einem blauen Auge (oder Knie ) davon gekommen. Das hätte deutlich teurer werden können. Aber, Glück gehabt!
Erst vermutete ich ja Schlimmes, aber das Fazit der Untersuchung: Das Fahrrad ist immer noch das gesündeste Fortbewegungsmittel in der Stadt. Und Radfahren könnte noch gesünder werden wenn noch mehr Autofahrer auf das Fahrrad umsteigen würden.
Ganz wichtig für alle Autofahrer: Die Feinstaubbelastung IM AUTO ist höher und dauert vor allem länger an!
via ADFC
Die meisten Tage habe ich das Glück, auf Radwegen durch Grünzüge fahren zu dürfen. Bei Regenwetter muss ich leider auch auf Strassen mit erheblichen Verkehr ausweichen, an solchen Tagen wird die Feinstaubbelastung aber wegen dem Regen geringer sein, hoffe ich zumindest.
As a Rancho Palos Verdes Accident Lawyer with millions of dollars in settlements and multiple million dollar or larger settlements from over thirty years of experience in or around Rancho Palos Verdes, other nearby cities and internationally, I know many of you are attempting to settle your own personal injury, dog bite and wrongful death cases by yourselves for the maximum and the biggest settlement you can to save the cost of an attorney.
In this article I’ll tell you the secrets of how attorneys negotiate for top dollar and I’ll also tell you why insurance companies lick their chops and rub their hands together with glee when individuals try to settle their claims without an attorney and why, in most cases, you’ll receive a larger, much greater amount in your pocket or in the trust fund you set up for any children injured in the accident, even after an attorney’s fee and costs if you hire a reputable and experienced personal injury attorney.
If you’ve been the victim of a car, motorcycle, bike, truck, pedestrian, bicycle or auto accident, lost a loved one in a wrongful death or been the victim of a dog bite or animal attack, you can visit our website at http://www.sebastiangibsonlaw.com for more information and call us at any of the numbers easily found on our website.
First, you need to know that insurance companies evaluate cases two ways. As soon as you begin negotiating with the insurance company yourself, they evaluate your case, unfortunately, in terms of a nuisance value matter. They’ve settled tens or hundreds of thousands of cases with individuals before for paltry amounts and they will expect they can settle your case for a measly amount as well.
Why do they look at you as if you’re chopped meat? As soon as you tell them you are negotiating your own settlement, they know you’re trying to save money. To them, that means you may even be desperate. They also know you won’t be as knowledgeable about their tricks and tactics and like those tens or hundreds of thousands of people before you, they know how they can play you until you either become so frustrated you settle for their bad offer or become panicked that your time is running out.
The second way they evaluate a case, namely one presented by a lawyer, is an analysis of what the case’s true settlement value is based on the attorney’s skill and experience, how prepared the case is for litigation in the event it doesn’t settle, and the actual value of the injuries and associated pain and suffering, wage loss and other out of pocket expenses.
To settle your case for the largest amount possible, which may be the policy limits of the insurance policy, depending upon the severity of your injuries, you need to get the insurance adjuster to evaluate your case in the same manner they would as if an attorney were negotiating with them. While most insurance companies, unfortunately, simply won’t do that, here’s what you need to do to try to obtain the maximum settlement value.
First, you need to obtain all of your medical records and bills. You can’t rely on the insurance company to do this. As soon as you tell the insurance company you want them to do this or agree to having them do it and tell you how much your medical bills come to and what your medical records say, you are giving up control of the situation. I can’t stress this enough.
You will need to sign authorization forms to obtain your medical records and bills and pay the cost of obtaining those medical records and bills (the cost of which can range from $15 to hundreds of dollars) from each hospital, ambulance company, doctor, chiropractor, radiologist, emergency room billing service, etc. Some medical providers require you to use their authorization forms. Some require you to agree to their using a photocopy service to copy your records at a higher cost. Some medical providers require one fee for your bills and another fee for your medical records.
Just obtaining all of your medical records and bills is one of the most time consuming aspects of handling personal injury cases. And, to make matters worse, you’re still not through with your medical providers. When your treatment is complete and you have all of your medical records and bills and the first settlement offer is made to you, you’ll need to call each of your medical providers or their billing offices again to learn if you have any balance owing (and you can expect to be on the phone repeatedly and for long periods of time to learn this information) and in many cases you will need to send them another authorization form before they’ll tell you this information.
You will need to obtain a copy of the police report. This is a much simpler process. Some police departments charge between $10 to $40 for a copy, while other departments provide them to you for free. You can pick it up at the police or CHP office yourself or request one by mail with an authorization form and a check for the proper fee.
You’ll also need to obtain your wage loss information on a wage loss form from your employer if you suffered any wage losses or had to use up valuable sick time, personal time, or vacation days.
You should obtain witness statements if there is any issue as to the liability of the other driver for the accident and you should take photos of the scene if there was something wrong with the road conditions or other unusual circumstances.
You will also need to obtain a number of good photographs of your car damage, copies of the vehicle repair bills and estimates and receipts for any items damaged in your vehicle.
Here’s a secret. In California you are entitled to the cost of a replacement child seat if one was in the accident. It’s automatic. Just tell the insurance company the make and model or find out the cost for the make and model child seat and the insurance company will send you a check for a new one, even if the old one wasn’t broken. Why? It’s in the California insurance code. The insurance companies, however, don’t volunteer this information. Why? They’re in business to make money, not pay it out.
Finally, when all your treatment is done, you will need to put together a demand package with a demand letter reviewing the facts of the accident and the negligence of the other driver that made him or her at fault, a summary of your injuries and medical treatment (from your medical records), an itemization of your medical bills, a discussion of your pain and suffering and how the injuries impacted your life, a discussion of your wage loss and how you determined the amount, and finally the amount of your demand and a time limit (40 days – the time allotted under the insurance code) for the insurance company to respond with their offer. The demand letter should be a minimum of four pages in length. Some of ours have been close to twenty pages. Accompanying the demand letter should be copies of all of your medical records and bills, color copies of the car damage photos, copies of the repair bills and estimates, any wage loss documentation and any other relevant items such as witness statements, etc.
If all of this is too much work for you to accomplish (and it is a lot when you are just trying to get better, get on with your life, raise a family and still go to work to put food on the table) you may want to hire our law firm to represent you.
The reason why, in most cases you will receive more, even after an attorney’s fees and costs are taken out, is that insurance companies offer much more to an attorney handling your case than when you are attempting to settle it yourself. In addition, an experienced and reputable lawyer can also obtain reductions from your health insurance company and from any medical providers with a balance with regards to what amount has to be paid back to them out of any settlement.
When you rely on the insurance company to pay your medical bills, and then simply pay you a skimpy amount on top, you are giving them the right to determine what bills they think were “reasonable” and to obtain any reductions in the bills to save themselves money. When an attorney obtains a reduction in your bills or your health insurance company lien, the amount the attorney saves increases the amount of your net settlement.
Keep in mind that as soon as you start negotiating your claim by yourself, it’s almost impossible for an attorney to persuade the insurance company to evaluate your case in the higher category type of claim. At our law firm, while we’ll take on a case that may be months old where the injured victim has simply been receiving medical treatment, we won’t take on the case in most cases if the victim has already received a bad offer from the insurance company. At that stage it’s usually too late for an attorney to make much of a difference.
Hopefully, this article has provided you with some insights as to how to obtain the maximum settlement from an insurance company for an auto, car, motorcycle, bicycle, pedestrian, truck, dog bite, or wrongful death claim. There is much more that an experienced attorney does, especially in the negotiation stage to maximize the settlement and this is where an attorney’s experience kicks in.
An attorney such as Sebastian Gibson who has been negotiating these cases with many of the same adjusters for decades, knows the tactics and negotiating style of them and their companies and knows how refute the talking points their insurance companies train their adjusters to use in negotiations.
What causes many attorneys to be unable to settle their cases and who then find themselves with no alternative but to file a lawsuit in court and face two to five years of litigation before the matter settles or goes to jury, is to get angry (some even scream and yell) with the adjuster, box themselves into a corner and tell the adjuster something along the lines of, “If that’s the best you can do, we’re filing suit.” The adjuster’s response to this is naturally, “go ahead.”
An insurance company doesn’t really care if they have to dump your case onto the case load of their attorneys who are already handling tens of thousands of such cases. One more case, makes no difference to them at all. They also know, you may give up or settle for even less when you learn from an attorney how much just the court costs will be. Just to file a lawsuit in most courts alone incurs a $350.00 or larger filing fee. Depositions can cost over a thousand dollars if they are lengthy. And all such court costs come out of your settlement, even if you have a contingency fee attorney handling your case.
Sadly, many of these same lawyers take this step or let their improperly trained staff members (secretaries and clerks) force the matter to such an impasse and then file suit without properly informing the client of the negotiations that took place and led them to that point.
If you are negotiating with an insurance company yourself, there’s no need to be unpleasant. Yes, you are probably going to hear that the insurance adjuster has evaluated your case to be worth much less than you think it’s worth. But you’re forgetting that, that’s just their first offer. Communicate with the adjuster. Tell them how the injuries affected your life and tell them what you still go through today with the pain you still have. You’ll be surprised how many adjusters will actually relate to what you tell them.
Unfortunately, just as there are bad attorneys out there, there are also some lousy insurance adjusters and insurance companies to deal with as well. They’re supposed to get back to you in 40 days with an offer after you present them with your demand package. Some take longer. Some will sound unpleasant, even snotty. And once they make their first offer, it can take weeks sometimes to reach the adjuster again to make your counter-offer. Sometimes the negotiations can take months. If you want to get the most you can for your case, you need to be patient. Your job, just as it is the job of your attorney, is to get these unpleasant insurance adjusters to warm up. I ask them how the weather is, how they’re doing, if their busy, anything to get them to open up to me. You’d be surprised how far a little kindness goes.
We wish you good luck and a speedy recovery from your injuries. You’ll find that your health, in many cases, will drastically improve, once you remove yourself from the stress of handling your case and resolve it either yourself or with the assistance of our law firm by way of settlement. If on the other hand, your case goes into litigation, as do the cases of many lawyers who don’t have the settlement experience or negotiating tools to settle their cases advantageously for their clients, your stress level will almost certainly rise.
The law firm of Sebastian Gibson handles personal injury cases in Rancho Palos Verdes, and throughout Southern and Central California and handle wrongful death cases throughout the state. To learn more about Sebastian Gibson and the other areas of law handled by the law firm, visit the Sebastian Gibson website.
We invite you to visit our website at http://www.sebastiangibsonlaw.com and call us if you’ve been seriously injured in a personal injury auto, motorcycle, car, truck, pedestrian, or bicycle accident, lost a loved one in a wrongful death or been injured in a dog bite or animal attack in Rancho Palos Verdes.
As a California Wrongful Death Accident Insurance Lawyer with millions of dollars in settlements and multiple million dollar or more settlements from over thirty years of experience in California and internationally, I know many of you are attempting to settle your own personal injury, dog bite and wrongful death cases by yourselves for the maximum and the biggest settlement you can to save the cost of an attorney.
In this article I’ll tell you the secrets of how attorneys negotiate for top dollar and I’ll also tell you why insurance companies lick their chops and rub their hands together with glee when individuals try to settle their claims without an attorney and why, in most cases, you’ll receive a larger, much greater amount in your pocket or in the trust fund you set up for any children injured in the accident, even after an attorney’s fee and costs if you hire a reputable and experienced personal injury attorney.
If you’ve been the victim of a car, motorcycle, truck, pedestrian, bicycle, or auto accident, lost a loved one in a wrongful death or been the victim of a dog bite or animal attack, you can visit our website at http://www.sebastiangibsonlaw.com for more information and call us at any of the numbers easily found on our website.
First, you need to know that insurance companies evaluate cases two ways. As soon as you begin negotiating with the insurance company yourself, they evaluate your case, unfortunately, in terms of a nuisance value matter. They’ve settled tens or hundreds of thousands of cases with individuals before for paltry amounts and they will expect they can settle your case for a measly amount as well.
Why do they look at you as if you’re chopped meat? As soon as you tell them you are negotiating your own settlement, they know you’re trying to save money. To them, that means you may even be desperate. They also know you won’t be as knowledgeable about their tricks and tactics and like those tens or hundreds of thousands of people before you, they know how they can play you until you either become so frustrated you settle for their bad offer or become panicked that your time is running out.
The second way they evaluate a case, namely one presented by a lawyer, is an analysis of what the case’s true settlement value is based on the attorney’s skill and experience, how prepared the case is for litigation in the event it doesn’t settle, and the actual value of the injuries and associated pain and suffering, wage loss and other out of pocket expenses.
To settle your case for the largest amount possible, which may be the policy limits of the insurance policy, depending upon the severity of your injuries, you need to get the insurance adjuster to evaluate your case in the same manner they would as if an attorney were negotiating with them. While most insurance companies, unfortunately, simply won’t do that, here’s what you need to do to try to obtain the maximum settlement value.
First, you need to obtain all of your medical records and bills. You can’t rely on the insurance company to do this. As soon as you tell the insurance company you want them to do this or agree to having them do it and tell you how much your medical bills come to and what your medical records say, you are giving up control of the situation. I can’t stress this enough.
You will need to sign authorization forms to obtain your medical records and bills and pay the cost of obtaining those medical records and bills (the cost of which can range from $15 to hundreds of dollars) from each hospital, ambulance company, doctor, chiropractor, radiologist, emergency room billing service, etc. Some medical providers require you to use their authorization forms. Some require you to agree to their using a photocopy service to copy your records at a higher cost. Some medical providers require one fee for your bills and another fee for your medical records.
Just obtaining all of your medical records and bills is one of the most time consuming aspects of handling personal injury cases. And, to make matters worse, you’re still not through with your medical providers. When your treatment is complete and you have all of your medical records and bills and the first settlement offer is made to you, you’ll need to call each of your medical providers or their billing offices again to learn if you have any balance owing (and you can expect to be on the phone repeatedly and for long periods of time to learn this information) and in many cases you will need to send them another authorization form before they’ll tell you this information.
You will need to obtain a copy of the police report. This is a much simpler process. Some police departments charge between $10 to $40 for a copy, while other departments provide them to you for free. You can pick it up at the police or CHP office yourself or request one by mail with an authorization form and a check for the proper fee.
You’ll also need to obtain your wage loss information on a wage loss form from your employer if you suffered any wage losses or had to use up valuable sick time, personal time, or vacation days.
You should obtain witness statements if there is any issue as to the liability of the other driver for the accident and you should take photos of the scene if there was something wrong with the road conditions or other unusual circumstances.
You will also need to obtain a number of good photographs of your car damage, copies of the vehicle repair bills and estimates and receipts for any items damaged in your vehicle.
Here’s a secret. In California you are entitled to the cost of a replacement child seat if one was in the accident. It’s automatic. Just tell the insurance company the make and model or find out the cost for the make and model child seat and the insurance company will send you a check for a new one, even if the old one wasn’t broken. Why? It’s in the California insurance code. The insurance companies, however, don’t volunteer this information. Why? They’re in business to make money, not pay it out.
Finally, when all your treatment is done, you will need to put together a demand package with a demand letter reviewing the facts of the accident and the negligence of the other driver that made him or her at fault, a summary of your injuries and medical treatment (from your medical records), an itemization of your medical bills, a discussion of your pain and suffering and how the injuries impacted your life, a discussion of your wage loss and how you determined the amount, and finally the amount of your demand and a time limit (40 days – the time allotted under the insurance code) for the insurance company to respond with their offer. The demand letter should be a minimum of four pages in length. Some of ours have been close to twenty pages. Accompanying the demand letter should be copies of all of your medical records and bills, color copies of the car damage photos, copies of the repair bills and estimates, any wage loss documentation and any other relevant items such as witness statements, etc.
If all of this is too much work for you to accomplish (and it is a lot when you are just trying to get better, get on with your life, raise a family and still go to work to put food on the table) you may want to hire our law firm to represent you.
The reason why, in most cases you will receive more, even after an attorney’s fees and costs are taken out, is that insurance companies offer much more to an attorney handling your case than when you are attempting to settle it yourself. In addition, an experienced and reputable lawyer can also obtain reductions from your health insurance company and from any medical providers with a balance with regards to what amount has to be paid back to them out of any settlement.
When you rely on the insurance company to pay your medical bills, and then simply pay you a skimpy amount on top, you are giving them the right to determine what bills they think were “reasonable” and to obtain any reductions in the bills to save themselves money. When an attorney obtains a reduction in your bills or your health insurance company lien, the amount the attorney saves increases the amount of your net settlement.
Keep in mind that as soon as you start negotiating your claim by yourself, it’s almost impossible for an attorney to persuade the insurance company to evaluate your case in the higher category type of claim. At our law firm, while we’ll take on a case that may be months old where the injured victim has simply been receiving medical treatment, we won’t take on the case in most cases if the victim has already received a bad offer from the insurance company. At that stage it’s usually too late for an attorney to make much of a difference.
Hopefully, this article has provided you with some insights as to how to obtain the maximum settlement from an insurance company for an auto, car, motorcycle, bicycle, pedestrian, truck, dog bite, or wrongful death claim. There is much more that an experienced attorney does, especially in the negotiation stage to maximize the settlement and this is where an attorney’s experience kicks in.
An attorney such as Sebastian Gibson who has been negotiating these cases with many of the same adjusters for decades, knows the tactics and negotiating style of them and their companies and knows how refute the talking points their insurance companies train their adjusters to use in negotiations.
What causes many attorneys to be unable to settle their cases and who then find themselves with no alternative but to file a lawsuit in court and face two to five years of litigation before the matter settles or goes to jury, is to get angry (some even scream and yell) with the adjuster, box themselves into a corner and tell the adjuster something along the lines of, “If that’s the best you can do, we’re filing suit.” The adjuster’s response to this is naturally, “go ahead.”
An insurance company doesn’t really care if they have to dump your case onto the case load of their attorneys who are already handling tens of thousands of such cases. One more case, makes no difference to them at all. They also know, you may give up or settle for even less when you learn from an attorney how much just the court costs will be. Just to file a lawsuit in most courts alone incurs a $350.00 or larger filing fee. Depositions can cost over a thousand dollars if they are lengthy. And all such court costs come out of your settlement, even if you have a contingency fee attorney handling your case.
Sadly, many of these same lawyers take this step or let their improperly trained staff members (secretaries and clerks) force the matter to such an impasse and then file suit without properly informing the client of the negotiations that took place and led them to that point.
If you are negotiating with an insurance company yourself, there’s no need to be unpleasant. Yes, you are probably going to hear that the insurance adjuster has evaluated your case to be worth much less than you think it’s worth. But you’re forgetting that, that’s just their first offer. Communicate with the adjuster. Tell them how the injuries affected your life and tell them what you still go through today with the pain you still have. You’ll be surprised how many adjusters will actually relate to what you tell them.
Unfortunately, just as there are bad attorneys out there, there are also some lousy insurance adjusters and insurance companies to deal with as well. They’re supposed to get back to you in 40 days with an offer after you present them with your demand package. Some take longer. Some will sound unpleasant, even snotty. And once they make their first offer, it can take weeks sometimes to reach the adjuster again to make your counter-offer. Sometimes the negotiations can take months. If you want to get the most you can for your case, you need to be patient. Your job, just as it is the job of your attorney, is to get these unpleasant insurance adjusters to warm up. I ask them how the weather is, how they’re doing, if their busy, anything to get them to open up to me. You’d be surprised how far a little kindness goes.
We wish you good luck and a speedy recovery from your injuries. You’ll find that your health, in many cases, will drastically improve, once you remove yourself from the stress of handling your case and resolve it either yourself or with the assistance of our law firm by way of settlement. If on the other hand, your case goes into litigation, as do the cases of many lawyers who don’t have the settlement experience or negotiating tools to settle their cases advantageously for their clients, your stress level will almost certainly rise.
The law firm of Sebastian Gibson handles personal injury cases in Southern and Central California and handle wrongful death cases throughout the state. To learn more about Sebastian Gibson and the other areas of law handled by the law firm, visit the Sebastian Gibson website.
We invite you to visit our website at http://www.sebastiangibsonlaw.com and call us if you’ve been seriously injured in a personal injury auto, motorcycle, car, truck, pedestrian, or bicycle accident, lost a loved one in a wrongful death or been injured in a dog bite or animal attack in California.
Zu den Einsatzfeldern von Android dürften in absehbarer Zeit auch Navigationssysteme gehören: Darauf deutet ein neues GPS für den Einsatz im Auto hin, das ArcherMind in Zusammenarbeit mit chinesischen Hardware-Herstellern entwickelt hat und das das erste seiner Art sein soll.
Das System nutzt einen ARM-Prozessor und soll für seinen Besitzer nicht nur den Weg finden, sondern ihm auch erlauben, auf seinem 7-Zoll-Display (800 x 480) durchs Web zu gleiten und SMS-Nachrichten zu schreiben und zu empfangen. Außerdem kann das Gerät Musik und Audio-Bücher wiedergeben.
Das GPS verfügt sowohl über eingebauten Speicher (keine Angaben zur Größe) als auch über einen SD-Kartenslot und bietet 3G- und Wi-Fi/Bluetooth- Konnektivität.
Wann das System in echt zu bewundern ist, steht allerdings einstweilen noch in den Sternen – bislang soll sich lediglich ein chinesischer Autohersteller mit den Einsatzmöglichkeiten beschäftigen. [dieter]
As a Thousand Oaks Wrongful Death Insurance Attorney with millions of dollars in settlements and multiple million dollar plus settlements from over thirty years of experience in or around Thousand Oaks, other nearby cities and internationally, I know many of you are attempting to settle your own personal injury, dog bite and wrongful death cases by yourselves for the maximum and the biggest settlement you can to save the cost of an attorney.
In this article I’ll tell you the secrets of how attorneys negotiate for top dollar and I’ll also tell you why insurance companies lick their chops and rub their hands together with glee when individuals try to settle their claims without an attorney and why, in most cases, you’ll receive a larger, much greater amount in your pocket or in the trust fund you set up for any children injured in the accident, even after an attorney’s fee and costs if you hire a reputable and experienced personal injury attorney.
If you’ve been the victim of a car, motorcycle, truck, pedestrian, bicycle, or auto accident, lost a loved one in a wrongful death or been the victim of a dog bite or animal attack, you can visit our website at http://www.sebastiangibsonlaw.com for more information and call us at any of the numbers easily found on our website.
First, you need to know that insurance companies evaluate cases two ways. As soon as you begin negotiating with the insurance company yourself, they evaluate your case, unfortunately, in terms of a nuisance value matter. They’ve settled tens or hundreds of thousands of cases with individuals before for paltry amounts and they will expect they can settle your case for a measly amount as well.
Why do they look at you as if you’re chopped meat? As soon as you tell them you are negotiating your own settlement, they know you’re trying to save money. To them, that means you may even be desperate. They also know you won’t be as knowledgeable about their tricks and tactics and like those tens or hundreds of thousands of people before you, they know how they can play you until you either become so frustrated you settle for their bad offer or become panicked that your time is running out.
The second way they evaluate a case, namely one presented by a lawyer, is an analysis of what the case’s true settlement value is based on the attorney’s skill and experience, how prepared the case is for litigation in the event it doesn’t settle, and the actual value of the injuries and associated pain and suffering, wage loss and other out of pocket expenses.
To settle your case for the largest amount possible, which may be the policy limits of the insurance policy, depending upon the severity of your injuries, you need to get the insurance adjuster to evaluate your case in the same manner they would as if an attorney were negotiating with them. While most insurance companies, unfortunately, simply won’t do that, here’s what you need to do to try to obtain the maximum settlement value.
First, you need to obtain all of your medical records and bills. You can’t rely on the insurance company to do this. As soon as you tell the insurance company you want them to do this or agree to having them do it and tell you how much your medical bills come to and what your medical records say, you are giving up control of the situation. I can’t stress this enough.
You will need to sign authorization forms to obtain your medical records and bills and pay the cost of obtaining those medical records and bills (the cost of which can range from $15 to hundreds of dollars) from each hospital, ambulance company, doctor, chiropractor, radiologist, emergency room billing service, etc. Some medical providers require you to use their authorization forms. Some require you to agree to their using a photocopy service to copy your records at a higher cost. Some medical providers require one fee for your bills and another fee for your medical records.
Just obtaining all of your medical records and bills is one of the most time consuming aspects of handling personal injury cases. And, to make matters worse, you’re still not through with your medical providers. When your treatment is complete and you have all of your medical records and bills and the first settlement offer is made to you, you’ll need to call each of your medical providers or their billing offices again to learn if you have any balance owing (and you can expect to be on the phone repeatedly and for long periods of time to learn this information) and in many cases you will need to send them another authorization form before they’ll tell you this information.
You will need to obtain a copy of the police report. This is a much simpler process. Some police departments charge between $10 to $40 for a copy, while other departments provide them to you for free. You can pick it up at the police or CHP office yourself or request one by mail with an authorization form and a check for the proper fee.
You’ll also need to obtain your wage loss information on a wage loss form from your employer if you suffered any wage losses or had to use up valuable sick time, personal time, or vacation days.
You should obtain witness statements if there is any issue as to the liability of the other driver for the accident and you should take photos of the scene if there was something wrong with the road conditions or other unusual circumstances.
You will also need to obtain a number of good photographs of your car damage, copies of the vehicle repair bills and estimates and receipts for any items damaged in your vehicle.
Here’s a secret. In California you are entitled to the cost of a replacement child seat if one was in the accident. It’s automatic. Just tell the insurance company the make and model or find out the cost for the make and model child seat and the insurance company will send you a check for a new one, even if the old one wasn’t broken. Why? It’s in the California insurance code. The insurance companies, however, don’t volunteer this information. Why? They’re in business to make money, not pay it out.
Finally, when all your treatment is done, you will need to put together a demand package with a demand letter reviewing the facts of the accident and the negligence of the other driver that made him or her at fault, a summary of your injuries and medical treatment (from your medical records), an itemization of your medical bills, a discussion of your pain and suffering and how the injuries impacted your life, a discussion of your wage loss and how you determined the amount, and finally the amount of your demand and a time limit (40 days – the time allotted under the insurance code) for the insurance company to respond with their offer. The demand letter should be a minimum of four pages in length. Some of ours have been close to twenty pages. Accompanying the demand letter should be copies of all of your medical records and bills, color copies of the car damage photos, copies of the repair bills and estimates, any wage loss documentation and any other relevant items such as witness statements, etc.
If all of this is too much work for you to accomplish (and it is a lot when you are just trying to get better, get on with your life, raise a family and still go to work to put food on the table) you may want to hire our law firm to represent you.
The reason why, in most cases you will receive more, even after an attorney’s fees and costs are taken out, is that insurance companies offer much more to an attorney handling your case than when you are attempting to settle it yourself. In addition, an experienced and reputable lawyer can also obtain reductions from your health insurance company and from any medical providers with a balance with regards to what amount has to be paid back to them out of any settlement.
When you rely on the insurance company to pay your medical bills, and then simply pay you a skimpy amount on top, you are giving them the right to determine what bills they think were “reasonable” and to obtain any reductions in the bills to save themselves money. When an attorney obtains a reduction in your bills or your health insurance company lien, the amount the attorney saves increases the amount of your net settlement.
Keep in mind that as soon as you start negotiating your claim by yourself, it’s almost impossible for an attorney to persuade the insurance company to evaluate your case in the higher category type of claim. At our law firm, while we’ll take on a case that may be months old where the injured victim has simply been receiving medical treatment, we won’t take on the case in most cases if the victim has already received a bad offer from the insurance company. At that stage it’s usually too late for an attorney to make much of a difference.
Hopefully, this article has provided you with some insights as to how to obtain the maximum settlement from an insurance company for an auto, car, motorcycle, bicycle, pedestrian, truck, dog bite, or wrongful death claim. There is much more that an experienced attorney does, especially in the negotiation stage to maximize the settlement and this is where an attorney’s experience kicks in.
An attorney such as Sebastian Gibson who has been negotiating these cases with many of the same adjusters for decades, knows the tactics and negotiating style of them and their companies and knows how refute the talking points their insurance companies train their adjusters to use in negotiations.
What causes many attorneys to be unable to settle their cases and who then find themselves with no alternative but to file a lawsuit in court and face two to five years of litigation before the matter settles or goes to jury, is to get angry (some even scream and yell) with the adjuster, box themselves into a corner and tell the adjuster something along the lines of, “If that’s the best you can do, we’re filing suit.” The adjuster’s response to this is naturally, “go ahead.”
An insurance company doesn’t really care if they have to dump your case onto the case load of their attorneys who are already handling tens of thousands of such cases. One more case, makes no difference to them at all. They also know, you may give up or settle for even less when you learn from an attorney how much just the court costs will be. Just to file a lawsuit in most courts alone incurs a $350.00 or larger filing fee. Depositions can cost over a thousand dollars if they are lengthy. And all such court costs come out of your settlement, even if you have a contingency fee attorney handling your case.
Sadly, many of these same lawyers take this step or let their improperly trained staff members (secretaries and clerks) force the matter to such an impasse and then file suit without properly informing the client of the negotiations that took place and led them to that point.
If you are negotiating with an insurance company yourself, there’s no need to be unpleasant. Yes, you are probably going to hear that the insurance adjuster has evaluated your case to be worth much less than you think it’s worth. But you’re forgetting that, that’s just their first offer. Communicate with the adjuster. Tell them how the injuries affected your life and tell them what you still go through today with the pain you still have. You’ll be surprised how many adjusters will actually relate to what you tell them.
Unfortunately, just as there are bad attorneys out there, there are also some lousy insurance adjusters and insurance companies to deal with as well. They’re supposed to get back to you in 40 days with an offer after you present them with your demand package. Some take longer. Some will sound unpleasant, even snotty. And once they make their first offer, it can take weeks sometimes to reach the adjuster again to make your counter-offer. Sometimes the negotiations can take months. If you want to get the most you can for your case, you need to be patient. Your job, just as it is the job of your attorney, is to get these unpleasant insurance adjusters to warm up. I ask them how the weather is, how they’re doing, if their busy, anything to get them to open up to me. You’d be surprised how far a little kindness goes.
We wish you good luck and a speedy recovery from your injuries. You’ll find that your health, in many cases, will drastically improve, once you remove yourself from the stress of handling your case and resolve it either yourself or with the assistance of our law firm by way of settlement. If on the other hand, your case goes into litigation, as do the cases of many lawyers who don’t have the settlement experience or negotiating tools to settle their cases advantageously for their clients, your stress level will almost certainly rise.
The law firm of Sebastian Gibson handles personal injury cases in Thousand Oaks, and throughout Southern and Central California and handle wrongful death cases throughout the state. To learn more about Sebastian Gibson and the other areas of law handled by the law firm, visit the Sebastian Gibson website.
We invite you to visit our website at http://www.sebastiangibsonlaw.com and call us if you’ve been seriously injured in a personal injury auto, motorcycle, car, truck, pedestrian, or bicycle accident, lost a loved one in a wrongful death or been injured in a dog bite or animal attack in Thousand Oaks.
Asta a zis Jeremy Clarkson duminica trecută la Top Gear. A fost frumos.
Nu mi-a plăcut că multe din scene au fost regizate, de exemplu cea cu satul de țigani. Un om normal care a condus 1000 de kilometri la viața lui știe că nu trebuie să o ia pe un drum pietruit și prăfuit ca să ajungă de la București pe Transfăgărășan. Ce nu mi-a mai plăcut a fost că secvențele de pe Transfăgărășan au fost prea puține.
Pe partea bună a lucrurilor, Clarkson a zis că e cel mai bun drum pe care a condus vreodată, pilotul elicopterului de la sfârșitul filmului a făcut niște manevre de care poate fi mândru, Cosmin Giurgea a apărut pentru 3 secunde în cadru și a zis-o pe engleză românească și s-a făcut reclamă căcălău pentru Dacia Sandero, chiar dacă a fost distrusă ca să se oftice James May.
Deși sunt unii cărora nu le convine că s-au arătat și unele lucruri negative din România, e o certitudine că numărul de turiști străini care vor veni cu mașina pe Transfăgărășan va crește.
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1. The #1 reason bikers crash is because motorists don’t see them.
That’s it. Not because bikers are hotheaded and aggressive. Not because they’re on two wheels instead of four. But because motorists often can’t spot a biker.
2. Bikers can easily disappear in your blind spots.
The only way to prevent this is to always be aware of traffic all around you and to look twice before changing lanes or turning at intersections.
3. Bikers may be closer than they appear.
They are smaller than cars, so it’s difficult to judge their speed or how far away they are. A good rule of thumb when seeing a motorcycle: Assume that the bike is closer than it looks.
4. Bikers don’t always use their brakes to slow down.
Sometimes it is safer for a biker to downshift than apply brakes to slow down. When a biker downshifts to brake, there will be no red brake light to alert you. So always allow yourself a little more following distance when behind a bike.
5. Bikers use all of the lane to be safe, not reckless.
When you see a biker adjust lane position, they’re not showing off or inviting you to share the lane with them. They are reacting to road debris, wind, or to be better seen by other vehicles.
6. A biker’s turn signal doesn’t always click off automatically like yours does.
Some riders might forget to manually turn their turn signal off. So remember to make sure a biker’s turn signal is for real.
7. Don’t expect that a biker can get out of your way.
Motorcycles are highly maneuverable at slow speeds with good road conditions, but it’s always beller to not put them to the test.
8. Bikers have a hard time stopping quickly on wet roads.
Allow for more follOWing distance when behind a bike.
9, Bikers are people like you.
They could be your family, friends or neighbors. Only they don’t have seat belts or airbags to protect them.
10. Hitting a biker will be something you regret.
80% of motorcycle accidents result in injury or death. They could be prevented if all of us just paid a little more attention while driving.
In einer Kleinstadt hatte sich der Schulrat in der Grundschule angesagt, blieb aber unterwegs stehen, weil sein Auto streikte. Während der Schulrat noch ziemlich ratlos vor seinem Auto stand, kam ein Schuljunge vorbei, sah den hilflosen Mann und fragte, ob er helfen könne. In seiner Not meinte der Schulrat: “Verstehst du denn etwas von Autos”? Der Junge redete nicht lange, ließ sich Werkzeug geben, hantierte eine Weile unter geöffneter Motorhaube und bat, den Wagen einmal zu starten, und er lief wieder. Der Schulrat bedankte sich bei dem Jungen, wollte dann aber doch wissen, warum er zu dieser Zeit nicht in der Schule sei. “Nun”, meinte der Junge, “heute kommt in unserer Schule der Schulrat zu Besuch, und weil ich derDümmste in der Klasse bin, hat mich der Lehrer nach Hause geschickt.”
On Aug. 31st 2009, Geico underwriting companies requested an increase in automotive insurance rates for their New Jersey Policies with the NJ department of banking and insurance.
The the rate increase could affect 170,000 Geico auto insurance customers for New Jersey. It’s reported that some people may be looking at an increase of more than 17% !!
Geico’s recent request for raising their rates falls after the settlement of a class action law-suit in which NJ customers who purchased online didn’t receive adequate personal injury protection to meet state laws.
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Il 22 settembre 2009 l’Agc annunciava alle rappresentanze sindacali e ai propri dipendenti la volontà di chiudere il reparto “laminato auto” presso lo stabilimento di Cuneo. Nessuna alternativa, nessuna via di uscita. Il 31 dicembre rappresenta la fine di un reparto intero e i 67 dipendenti che per anni hanno legato la propria vita a quel reparto si trovano di fronte all’incertezza più assoluta. Cassa integrazione straordinaria, forse, mobilità; sicuramente la necessità di trovarsi un’altra occupazione in tempi brevi perché con i soldi della cassa non ci tiri avanti per tanto. Ma questo all’Agc non importa nulla, il suo scopo è quello di tagliare un reparto che, rapportato a un reparto gemello partorito dall’Agc stessa, nei paesi cosiddetti “low cost” economicamente rende meno. La sentenza è inappellabile: «Signori si chiude vogliate avvicinarvi all’uscita.possibilmente in silenzio». Ma è proprio il silenzio quello che ai lavoratori del laminato auto non sta bene, essere rottamati in silenzio proprio non va giù.
Il 29 settembre in una riunione tra le Rsu e i dipendenti dell’Agc viene deciso all’unanimità di intraprendere un’azione di lotta e protesta con un presidio permanente davanti all’ingresso dell’azienda. L’obbiettivo, chiaro fin da subito, salvare il proprio posto di lavoro e richiamare l’azienda alle proprie responsabilità, consci che se ci si trova in questa situazione è solo a causa di una gestione a dir poco miope dei vertici aziendali, non sono mai i lavoratori a far fallire un’azienda ma spesso la scarsa lungimiranza dei propri dirigenti.
E’ il 30 settembre quando si montano le prime tende, si issano le prime bandiere, la lotta per ritrovare la dignità di lavoratori è iniziata e si concluderà solo a risultati ottenuti, in breve il piccolo presidio diventa la roccaforte di tutti i 67 dipendenti del laminato auto.
Passano i giorni e si arriva al 6 ottobre, quando i vertici aziendali e le Rsu si incontrano nuovamente a Roma. In questo incontro l’unica cosa che emerge è la volontà da parte dell’azienda di chiudere il laminato auto, nulla di più. Non una sola parola spesa su come l’azienda intende sostenere i suoi dipendenti che frattanto continuano a presidiare l’ingresso in azienda, una protesta civile ma molto rumorosa.
Venerdì 9 ottobre è in programma un altro incontro tra l’azienda e le Rsu, ma i lavoratori decidono di alzare, in modo clamoroso, il tono della protesta. Quattro operai salgono sul tetto della pensilina dell’ingresso aziendale, equipaggiati alla bell’e meglio staranno lì sopra fino alla chiusura della trattativa con l’azienda. Fa freddo là sopra, come fa freddo nelle tende ai bordi della statale, ma nessuno ha intenzione di mollare, anzi.
Martedì 13 ottobre siamo al quarto incontro tra l’azienda e le parti sociali, incontro interrotto dal malore di “Ninotto” uno dei quattro sul tetto. Dopo 5 giorni e 4 notti di contestazione non regge più lo stress e la fatica. Intervengono le ambulanze del 118 e i pompieri che lo trasportano d’urgenza all’ospedale. Nonostante tutto la forza del presidio resta immutata, al punto che già la mattina successiva un altro operaio è pronto a salire sul tetto. Sono di nuovo in quattro e la lotta prosegue senza sosta.
Venerdì 16 ottobre quinto incontro azienda e parti sociali, fuori dai cancelli dell’Agc c’è il finimondo. La contestazione è al suo apice: rumorosamente, molto rumorosamente, i lavoratori fanno sentire la loro voce, sollecitano una risposta concreta. Si organizzano ulteriori mosse come lo sciopero generale dello stabilimento Agc di Cuneo e un lavoratore è pronto a iniziare lo sciopero della fame ad oltranza.
Nella notte verso le due viene redatta un’ipotesi di accordo tra le Rsu e l’azienda che verrà sottoposta, la mattina seguente, ai lavoratori. L’accordo prevede il reintegro di 12 “esuberi” entro maggio 2010, qualche prepensionamento incentivato e l’estensione della mobilità anche agli altri reparti dello stabilimento con l’obbiettivo di raggiungere 31 reintegri in totale, mentre per chi non rientra tra i fortunati resta l’incentivo all’esodo.
La stragrande maggioranza, quasi unanimità, dei presenti all’assemblea si dichiara favorevole all’accordo. I quattro sul tetto scendono finalmente dopo 9 giorni esposti alle intemperie, ma il presidio sotto resta e lì resterà fino alla firma definitiva delle parti in causa.
Questa è la dimostrazione che una lotta fatta di idee forti e convinzioni sicure porta a delle vittorie e obbliga i dirigenti di azienda a prendersi le proprie responsabilità, non si può continuare a privatizzare gli utili e a socializzare le perdite, non si può continuare a fare “spezzatino” dei lavoratori, spremerli per capitalizzare il più possibile per poi rottamarli come ferrivecchi.
La battaglia ora è finita, non possiamo parlare di vittoria perché in battaglie come questa si esce sempre sconfitti, da qualunque parte la guardi ti resta sempre un profondo senso di fallimento e di sconfitta. I mass media hanno coperto abbondantemente la nostra protesta, seguendoci praticamente passo a passo nella nostra lotta, tantissima gente ha portato la propria solidarietà al presidio. Tantissima gente comune che ci ha dimostrato concretamente di esserci vicino, con gesti che potevano sembrare piccoli, ma che per noi sono stati enormi e ci hanno rafforzato con la certezza di lottare per qualcosa di giusto.
A tutti quelli che ci hanno appoggiato va il nostro più sentito ringraziamento dal profondo del cuore.
Luca Cordero di Montezemolo : “Quest’anno vogliamo vincere“. Pronuncia queste parole a Valencia, in Spagna, sul circuito Ricardo Tormo, in occasione del Ferrari Challenge. Montezemolo alla guida e con i due piloti che sfilano davanti al pubblico, per il giro di pista con saluto degli spalti. Lo show invece inizia quando Montezemolo gira ed entra nella fascia di sabbia intorno alla curva : tutti sopra spavaldi e con il tetto scoperto, con la Ferrari che resta insabbiata a bordo pista, sotto gli spalti.
Ma un manager di Formula Uno non dovrebbe saperlo che la fascia di sabbia è appositamente pensata per far insabbiare l’auto per sicurezza nelle corse?
Solite cose viste in Italia, non si è manager per meriti, ma si è “Manager D.G.”, “Dei Gratia”, cioè per Grazia Divina…….
I’ve been meaning to write a post about Walk’s Auto Service Center in State College PA for quite a while. Here is the story of my first experience with the fine folks at Walk’s. First, some background for the story.
During the summer of 2005, while I was living in Montgomery County (PA), my car elected not to start a few times on hot days. It would turn over once or twice, then just shut down. Since my automotive skills are on par with my nun-chuck skills (I have none), I was stumped after realizing the battery was not the problem. So I took the car to an unnamed auto shop. And that day the car ran fine, the mechanic looked at it, found nothing wrong, and still managed to charge me something. My car behaved the rest of 2005 and in early 2006, during which time I moved to State College.
In the summer of 2006 the trouble started again. Turning the ignition in my car was like rolling dice. I took it to two auto shops in State College. Both of them “solved” the problem for nominal fees. The problem was not solved.
On July 27, 2006 I went grocery shopping. It was a sunny, hot summer day (in the mid-80s). When I returned to my car with my groceries it decided not to start. Thankfully I was only a quarter mile from my apartment, so I simply made three walking trips to shuttle the groceries home. As I made these treks back and forth I decided one of three things was going to happen within the next two days:
A. I will destroy my car with a sledgehammer. While it would have been very gratifying, and good for the soul, it also would have been terribly impractical. Plus, aside from this random petulance my car had served me well. B. I will sell my car and get a new one. This was tempting and a real option. C. I will get my car fixed. The most practical option, and my first choice. However, I had attempted this option three times already and had nothing to show for it but an ill car and bills.
I decided to try option C. I looked up towing companies and found Walk’s Auto listed. They came, picked up my car, and hauled it back to their location. I described the symptoms to a mechanic, he promised to call me as soon as he had a diagnosis.
I got a phone call a couple of hours later. Diagnosis: My car was experiencing periodic failure of the PCM relay.
I’ll admit, I had little faith that the problem was solved. I’d been given diagnoses by three different mechanics in the past year, and all three of those were not accurate. I think I had a right to be skeptical.
My car was repaired and ready to go the following morning. And it was genuinely repaired. Problem solved.
And that is the story of how I became a fan of Walk’s Auto.
Their prices aren’t the lowest in town but they are fair. I’d rather pay a bit more for solid work from a mechanic that I trust than a bargain rate somewhere else. Plus they have online coupons available for many services, and they offer a discount to PSU students for labor costs.
In the past three years I’ve had two instances of extraordinary service from Walk’s in addition to The Diagnosis. On one occasion a veteran mechanic saved me a considerable amount of money by replacing a seal on a part I thought I’d have to replace (this is a story in itself). On another occasion a mechanic stayed late at the shop to finish a few minor details of my car’s inspection because he had promised I could pick up my car that evening.
Le mois d’octobre a été très riche en rebondissements faisant état d’une équipe municipale qui dépense sans compter l’argent des rémois(es) qui se serrent encore et toujours la ceinture. Madame Hazan et ses adjoints se livrent à des dépenses exorbitantes de l’argent public à l’image de ces exemples:
Début octobre, lors du Conseil Municipal, la municipalité a voté (sans l’opposition) en faveur d’une subvention à hauteur de 160 000€ pour l’association Destination Reims, avançant la justification de vouloir améliorer l’accueil touristique et des nouveaux arrivants via internet et la création d’un site.
Cette subvention ne devrait absolument pas avoir lieu dans la mesure où ce projet fait doublon avec ce que fait l’Office de Tourisme, qui, rappelons-le, s’est vu retirer 120 000€ de subventions.
A cette subvention s’ajoute la création d’un poste en charge de ce projet dont la mission et le profil restent flous. On évoquait le fait que ce soit l’épouse du Directeur de Cabinet de Madame Hazan qui serait l’heureuse élue pour ce poste, dont on ne connait ni le montant du salaire, ni les avantages en nature qui seront perçus…
On a eu ensuite à faire au raté fulgurant de l’auto-partage qui est devenu un vrai fiasco financier.
L’auto-partage, cette idée inspirée du dispositif “Vélib’” que l’on trouve dans la capitale parisienne, était adaptée aux véhicules dans la Cité des Sacres.
Sans aucun appel à la concurrence, Adeline Hazan et son équipe ont décidé de faire porter le projet par Champagne Parc Auto (CPA), structure qui gère les parkings publics de la ville de Reims dont le président n’est autre que Stéphane Joly, également adjoint à Madame la Maire. Cette manœuvre comportant un risque juridique lié au fait que l’entreprise CPA n’ait pas été soumise à la concurrence d’autres entreprises, a du contraindre la municipalité d’abandonner le projet au bout de 6 mois.
Résultat: un dédit de plus de 100 000€ ! Les véhicules loués et n’ayant pas roulé ont dus être rendus au concessionnaire pour un coût de près de 28 000€, s’ajoutant la facture à régler au cabinet de recrutement et les assurances avoisinant les 56 000€ !
En soi, ce projet était véritablement une bonne idée, qui aurait pu permettre de baisser le taux de pollution dans notre cité par exemple, mais il aurait fallu une municipalité vigilante et sérieuse, qui sache emmener un projet en ayant à l’esprit l’intérêt général.
Il est un mot qui me vient à l’esprit après cette mascarade scandaleuse à laquelle s’est livrée la municipalité de Reims durant le mois qui vient de s’écouler : gaspillage.
Consumer Reports has just released results from its annual reliability survey and the findings are clear:
Mitsubishi has made major gains and ranks ahead of Nissan, Mazda, Kia, Suzuki, Subaru and Hyundai, BMW, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Lexus, and Porsche
Please share this great news with everyone
Also don’t forget:
Mitsubishi is offering special rates to Sam’s Club members. 0.0% APR for 60 months on 2009 Eclipse, 2009 Spyder, 2010 Endeavor and 2010 Galant with approved credit.
Anamaria, imaginea site-ului nostru, este rar impresionată de domeniul automobilistic. Dar când vede o maşină verde prăzuliu, simţurile ei o iau razna. Probabil că cei de la General Motors au comunicat telepatic cu ea, pentru că în prima jumătate a anului 2010 vor să lanseze remix-ul Chevrolet-ului Camaro, (de care nici nu mai are rost să spunem că are un motor de 6 litri şi cam 400 de cai), după cum aflăm de pe site-ul www.seriouswheels.com. Dar nu doar culoarea impresionează…
Uită-te la el: vorbeşte cu tine! Este ca o fiară gata să se dezlănţuie. Chiar şi pe loc repaus, exprimă dinamism şi mişcare. Mai mult decât atât, exprimă putere, împachetată sub forma unui muscle-car american veritabil, cu pasajele roţilor pronunţate şi nervuri de-alungul capotei. Cu adevărat spectaculos în imaginea de ansamblu a acestui model este botul. Grila radiatorului, bara de protecţie, ,,plugul” de sub ea în asorte cu eleronul şi cu jantele, farurile-alcătuiesc o faţă agresivă, ascuţită şi impunătoare. Râde la tine ca un luptător de RAW gata să-şi înfrângă adversarul. Desigur, în cazul de faţă adversarul este orice fraier care se gândeşte că ar putea avea o şansă de a câştiga o ,,liniuţă” la semafor…băieţii ăştia chiar nu vor să se înveţe minte!
,,Sunt sigur că la noapte voi fi în visul tău, iubito!” spune rânjind Chevy-ul acesta…
Culoarea verde a corpului (sau a body-kit-ului) este pentru Ana, dar şi pentru ecologiştii care vor sări ca arşi când vor vedea cât mănâncă muşchiulosul ăsta. Mai bine să nu afle…
La fel de vulgar ca o invitaţie la sex…
,,Dragi studenţi de la Facultatea de Curse Auto, îl avem aici pe singurul adversar serios…”
(Sursele de informare foto au fost: www.seriouswheels.com şi www.camro5.com)
Soferii vor plati pentru asigurarea auto obligatorie RCA mai mult, in medie, cu 20-30%. Mai multe companii de asigurari au majorat, in acest an, tarifele la aceste polite, ca urmare a despagubirilor in crestere pe care sunt nevoite sa le plateasca.
Si asta stiu deoarece fac RCA-uri la 10 societati de asigurare si multa lume a inceput sa intrebe daca se pot face RCA-uri doar pe o luna…Se pare ca puterea de cumparare a romanilor scade si pe acest segment.
Honda Motor a anuntat ca autoturismul european Civic Type R cu 3 usi este importat de la uzinele producatoare Honda din Swindon, Marea Britanie, pentru a fi vandut alaturi de actualul autoturism japonez Civic Type R cu 4 usi. Noul model se va numi “Civic Type R Euro” si a fost pus in vanzare incepand cu data de 5 noiembrie 2009.
Decizia de a vinde in Japonia autoturismul european Civic continua linia lansarilor acestuia pe pietele din Austria si Africa de Sud inca de la inceputul acestui an. Marcile Civic cu 3 si, respectiv 5 usi, au fost concepute initial numai ca modele europene, dar combinatia dintre motorul 201PS i-VTEC, aderenta imbunatatita si stilizarea revolutionara a determinat o afluenta de cereri de la pasionatii de automobile Honda din intreaga lume.
Alle reden immer noch von der Wirtschaftskrise. Keiner mag angeblich so richtig mit dem Geld rausrücken. Alle drehen den Penny – den Cent – zweimal um und jammern “wie teuer alles bloß geworden ist”. Sogar Mitgliedschaften im Sportverein (9 Euro im Monat) werden gekündigt – weil man es sich nicht mehr leisten kann…
Andererseits: Schaut man sich in teuren Fitness-Studios, bei MC Donald, Burger King, in Backerien oder in Cafés und take-away Shops für Kaffee, Kuchen, Fast-Finger-Food um: Da steppt der Bär, da wird getrunken, gemampft und weggetragen, was die Hände tragen können. Und das bei Höchstpreisen, da wird mir schlecht, wenn ich Preis-Leistung, Preis -Menge, geschweige denn Preis-Nährwert ins verhältnis setzt – von den Kalorien mal abgesehen.
Vor einem Wochenende mit Feiertag mag ich schon gar nicht mehr einkaufen gehen… man hat in den Supermärkten das Gefühl, am nächsten Tag bricht der dritte Weltkrieg aus und es gibt nichts mehr zu kaufen. Beladen bis zum Rausfallen sind die Einkaufswagen. Ich frage mich: Hab’ ich was verpasst? Wo ist da der Zusammenhang?
Und dann das Thema Benzinpreise: Alle schimpfen, meckern … und fahren doch weiter Auto. Trotz aller Appelle zum Umsteigen auf öffentliche Verkehrsmittel fahren die meisten Berufspendler weiter mit dem Auto – fast 60 Prozent, nur 13 Prozent fahren mit Bus und Bahn. Die Zahlen gleichen denen des letzten Jahres – trotz gestiegener Benzin-Preise und Klima-Debatte. Klar: Bus- und Bahnpreise sind auch gestiegen, so’n Auto muss ja auch mal bewegt werden, meistens ist das Wetter schlecht (oder zu gut) und die Einkäufe kann man (bei den Mengen) ja auch gar nicht anders transportieren. Das Auto ist halt der Deutschen liebstes Kind …
niemals haben wir uns über wochen und monate mit einem thema, also mit einem konzern, so sehr beschäftigen müssen.
und nun bleibt alles beim alten.
es ist ein scherz.
gewiss, gewiss, man müsste die zahl der pressemeldungen mal zählen, die das alles erbracht hat.
der mögliche verkauf an magna.
dann die tausenden von besuche in den USA.
abend für abend haben wir uns das anhörensehen müssen, im fernsehen, oder im radio. oder wo.
und nun behält GM die firma OPEL selbst.
es ist ein wahnsinn.
ich denke, es war eine arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahme für die medien.
gewiss: heute dürfen sie wieder vor den werkstoren von rüsselsheim oder kaiserslautern oder so berichten. immer stehen die reporter vor einem OPEL-standort … und dann berichten sie von dort.
und das fiese ist: die angst um die standorte und um die arbeitsplätze ist jetzt wieder größer als jemals zuvor.
nicht nur in deutschland – man will ja die standorte permanent alle jeweils gegeneinander ausspielen.
nun kann herr rüttgers wieder in die USA fliegen. und flehen.
ja, das kann er: es ist doch wundervoll. jetzt werden auch die politiker wieder beschäftigt. (die arbeitsplätze, die bei OPEL verlorengehen, entstehen bei den medien und in der politik neu. das ist marktwirtschaft in höchster vollendung!)
alles ist eine große blase – und am ende sind wir wieder am anfang.
GM könnte doch QUELLE übernehmen !!! na, das wäre doch was!
oder MÄRKLIN könnte aus dem konkurs heraus den ganzen GM-konzern übernehmen !!!!
das wäre auch toll.
du siehst, die welt hat keinerlei sinn.
das sagst du immer wieder.
das sagte aber auch claude lévi-strauss, der große anthropologe und philosoph, der jetzt verstorben ist.
du meinst den, dem wir die JEANS zu verdanken haben.
jetzt geht bei dir aber alles durcheinander.
ich habe aber heute ein gedicht geschrieben, heute morgen, beim laufen.
Copyright Klau|s|ens in allen Schraibwaisen und Schreibweisen am 4.1..2009, Mittwoch, in Königswinter-Niederdollendorf am Rhein
das heißt also, OPEL wird gefällt und gefällt und gefällt? der baum fällt noch unter normalnull?
ja, ja, aber daraus wird dann ein pfeil, sieh doch mal !!!
der totale abstieg wird also zum sieg der effizienz?
am ende offenbar. so sinnlos ist die welt. und gut bezahlt die manager von GENERAL MOTORS.
das neue logo von OPEL wäre also der pfeil?
ja doch! und OPELLO böte sich gedichtsoptisch als neuer name an.
ORIGINALVERSION mit Fettdruck und allen Bildern
und allen Links bei KLAUSENS BLOGG (mit 2 G !!!)
KLAU|S|ENS – LOG – W E L T L I N G http://klausens.blogg.de
Acabo de pensar y a pesar de la mierda que puede ser youtube muchas veces (principalmente por la censura)
Tambien hay personas en toda la orbe subiendo videos sobre lo que viven
es como un estado omnipresente en que se pueden ver culturas
de todo el mundo, este Post sera constantemente Actualizado y probablemente, uno de los mas grandes de este blog
los videos que ya no esten, seran borrados para que la lista sea activa
Para que no sea imposible ver los videos de interes por lo extensa que podria ser la lista
Lo dividire en volumenes de 12 videos en cada Post
Post=volumen de videos
Acontinuacion el volumen 1 de: el Mundo Desde un Blog
Cerca del Accidente
Caballo Arabe suspendido en el Aire
Camello Blanco (albino)
Borracho violado por un perro
fatboygetdown, el gordo famoso mas querido del youtube
Video Musical de Israel
Se partio la cara en 2 (accidente clavadista) arabe
este es un video viral que a estado en la red, trata de unos arabes que se lanzaban hacia un lago y uno sufrio el accidente de aterrizar de cara en la parte solida
tengan cuidado, el video es real para que vean que sucede cuando se hacen idioteces
nota: si llegasen a borrar el link de youtube
aqui esta otro donde pueden ver el video: http://www.tu.tv/videos/el-clavado_5_2
Como abrir botella de vino sin el sacacorchos(destapacorchos)