Wednesday, September 30, 2009

They don't make them like they used to (thankfully!)

To show how far vehicle safety has come in the last 50 years, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety decided to take 2 cars, 50 years apart in when they were manufactured, and crash them into each other.  Here are the cars:

1959 Chevy Bel Air:

2009 Chevy Malibu:

Here is the moment of impact:

The aftermath:

What can we take away from this?  Well, if you were in the 1959 model, you would quickly learn what your knees taste like if in an accident.  Thank goodness for science and advances in highway safety.

Alright, alright, you have earned it.  Here is the video:


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Get an Auto Loan After Bankruptcy

Going through a bankruptcy can be a harrowing experience but it doesn’t have to gain control of your entire financial life. Most people that are coming right off a bankruptcy immediately think that they cannot get a loan, and most people think that as long as the bankruptcy mark is on their credit report there is no way that they will every be able to qualify for any sort of loan or line of credit. This kind of thinking is not correct though because you can get a bankruptcy loan even if you filed for chapter 7 or chapter 13 as long as you can take the right steps to repair your credit and apply to the right lenders.

Many people are particularly worried about getting an auto loan after bankruptcy as it seems that the current level of thinking is that auto loan lenders have stricter policies when it comes to approving a borrower that is coming off a bankruptcy. It will be harder to get an auto loan after bankruptcy, but it will by no means be impossible, and the sooner you are willing to put the time in to make the appropriate improvements to your credit the faster you will be able to get your auto loan.

Auto loans are similar to other kinds of consumer loans in that they are based off of your credit and income. Provided you have your income in order, the main thing you thus have to worry about while getting approved for a car loan is your credit-which will be in bad shape if you are coming off a bankruptcy. To increase your chances at approval the best things you can do to improve your credit involve continuing to pay for whatever credit accounts that are leftover after your bankruptcy, and possibly taking out additional small loans and lines of credit that can serve as your primary ways of rebuilding your credit after bankruptcy. Once you begin to make these sorts of payments on time each month your credit should begin to climb and you should therefore be eligible to apply to even some of the more reputable lenders. Once you have your credit score back up to where it should be then the actual bankruptcy mark should not play much of a role in


Sometimes it is just easier to throw on a backpack to tote all your items and call it a day.  The Targus Spruce Ecosmart Backpack makes this possible in an orGLAMic way.  The PVC-free backpack, pictured above, is made of recycled plastic bottles and features nickel-free hardware and recyclable plastic components.  I love the sporty yet sleek design, and think this would be the perfect bag to take on an airplane flight or road trip.  There are also a variety of orGLAMic messenger bags and laptop cases in the collection.  Find out more about the Targust Ecosmart line by clicking here.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Spectacol în etapa judeţeană de raliu

La Timişoara s-a desfăşurat cea de-a VI-a etapă a Campionatului Judeţean de Raliu, duminică dimineaţă, în parcarea Centrului Comerical Euro. La automobilism, aproximativ 30 de piloţi s-au întrecut în viraje controlate, spre deliciul publicului.
Sute de timişoreni, pasionaţi de automobilism, s-au adunat în parcarea de la Euro să vadă duelul dintre campionul la zi Alexandru Krapelka şi „vitezomanul” local Florin Staici, revenit în competiţia judeţeană după ce a lipsit în etapa trecută, de la Monlady’s. După ce au folosit la maximum toţi caii putere de sub capotă, concurenţii au aflat clasamentul. Krepelka, la volanul unui Peugeot 205, s-a dovedit a fi din nou cel mai rapid pilot, terminând cu trei sutimi de secundă în faţa lui Staici, aflat pe un Subaru Impreza. Pe ultima treaptă a clasamentului s-a clasat Răzvan Stănean, care a concurat cu un Peugeot 306.
La nelicenţiaţi, primul loc a fost obţinut de Giani Wagner (Honda CRX), care a fost urmat pe podium de Vlad Bunesscu (Honda CRX) şi Alin Scurtu (Renault 5).

Clsamentul la fete a fost: Dorina Jurcă (Audi A3), Ramona Copăceanu (Toyota) şi Mihaela Hârceoagă (Peugeot 206).

Tot în parcarea de la Euro s-a desfăşurat o nouă etapă şi la karting, în care 15 piloţi s-au întrecut în cele şase categorii.
© 2005-2009 – Inform Media

Saturday, September 26, 2009




To say that Bullitt had a car case scene is like saying Steve McQueen was a good actor.  Both arguably are gross understatements.  The history-making car chase from Bullitt is still considered the gold standard for which all such scenes today are held to.  McQueen hadn’t planned on a driving double, he insisted on doing all the Mustang stunts himself–  but in an early scene that’s in the film, he missed a turn pretty hard and nearly lost it– the exec’s immediately pulled the plug on McQueen’s plans and tapped someone with a little more practical experience.   As fate would have it, driving duties were handed over to none other than McQueen’s good buddy (and auto and motorcycle racing legend) Bud Ekins.  The story behind the filming of this ground-breaking scene is (I hate to say it) more fascinating to me than the whole of the film itself.  Read on for great behind the scenes details on how history was made in pulling-off this incredible piece of work– the likes of which had never been attempted before.




An inside look at how they filmed BULLITT, the granddaddy of car pursuit movies.

BY: Susan Encinas (Muscle Car Review, March, 1987)

Where were you in 1968? You might have opened up the movie section of the newspaper and read a review about the newly released movie BULLITT. One such review, by the National Observer, said, ” Whatever you have heard about the auto chase scene in BULLITT is probably true…a terrifying, deafening shocker.” Life magazine wrote, “… a crime flick with a taste of genius…an action sequence that must be compared to the best in film history.”

With reviews like that, and sharing double billing with the hit BONNIE AND CLYDE, BULLITT devastated audiences with incredible scenes of leaping, screaming automobiles that seemed to fly off the screen. Among all of Hollywood’s road movies, BULLITT unquestionably made film history with its original car chase sequences. There may have been chase scenes before, but nothing before or since has equalled the intensity and impact of BULLITT. The scenes, which were novelty then but classic now, were brilliantly executed. Over the years, fans have asked questions about the two cars used in the movie, a 1968 Dodge Charger and a 1968 Mustang GT. Of all the musclecars offered in the late sixties, why were these two cars chosen, and how were they modified to survive the torturous driving?



It’s been 19 years since BULLITT was filmed, however the magic of this special movie has not diminished. We questioned some of the crew who participated in the filming, and asked them how the chase was coordinated and shot, who was involved in the chase scenes and what happened during the filming. Steve McQueen and director Peter Yates brought in some of the best names in the business in preparation for the filming of BULLITT’s chase scenes, and we were able to track some of them down. We interviewed Carey Loftin, stunt coordinator for BULLITT and occasional driver of the BULLITT Mustang; Bud Ekins, the main stunt driver of the Mustang, aside from McQueen; and Loren Janes, who had doubled for McQueen for nearly 20 years and stunted for McQueen during the airport sequence at the end of the film. We also interviewed Max Balchowsky, the man responsible for maintaining the Mustang GT and the Charger throughout the filming. Finally, we spoke with Ron Riner, who acted as transportation coordinator for Warner Brothers on the BULLITT set.

We set out to learn what the recipe is for such a successful chase sequence. What we found out was that there is none; it was pretty much a hit and miss thing and, as Ron Riner put it, “other people have tried to put the same combination together to get the same results and haven’t really done it. Before we’d shoot a scene, everyone, the location people, the police department, the stuntmen, the director and Steve, would get into discussions. We realized we didn’t know what to do because no one had ever done this before.” What hadn’t been done before was a chase scene, done “at speed”(up to 110 miles per hour) through the city streets and not on a movie studio back lot. Bud Elkins said, “I think it was the first time they did a complete car chase at normal camera speed. What you saw is what really happened. It was real!”



McQueen was determined to have “the best car chase ever done,” recalls Carey Loftin. “I told Steve I knew a lot about camera angles and speeds to make it look fast. You can undercrank the camera so you can control everything in the scene. Then when it’s run, it’ll look like high speed and the car will appear to be handling real well.” McQueen refused to hear of it, and advised Loftin that money was no object. “Fine,” Loftin replied. “Until you run out of money, you’ve got to stop me!”

In an interview with Motor Trend magazine, Steve McQueen related his desire to bring a high speed chase to the screen. “I always felt a motor racing sequence in the street, a chase in the street, could be very exciting because you have the reality objects to work with, like bouncing off a parked car. An audience digs sitting there watching somebody do something that I’m sure almost all of them would like to do.”

BULLITT was also the first picture done with live sound (some of which was added later as needed). For example, additional sound was needed because on occasion a tire squeal was not picked up by the microphones. Bud Elkins remembers blowing the rear end of the Mustang at Willow Springs winding the gears for engine noise to be added to the soundtrack.

To prepare himself, his crew and the cars for the movie sequence, McQueen and company went to the Cotati race course near San Francisco. “Steve handled the Mustang real well,” recalled Riner. “He flowed well with the car.” Also on hand was the late Bill Hickman, the fantastic stunt driver who would handle the menacing Dodge Charger in BULLITT. “Bill came in with the Charger,” Riner said. “And he flipped it around and he slid in backwards. He was excellent.”



The BULLITT chase scenes were shot around Easter of 1968. When city officials were first approached about shooting in the streets of San Francisco, they balked at the proposed high speeds and the idea of filming part of the chase on the Golden Gate Bridge. Eventually, it was agreed to keep the chase within only a few city blocks. McQueen was the prime motivator behind the chase sequence, and then director Peter Yates and Carey Loftin worked out logistics behind the scenes.

McQueen hadn’t planned on having a stunt driver. Relates Carey Loftin:”The first thing Steve said was, he was going to do his own driving. Well, I wasn’t going to argue, so I said, ‘okay, fine’.” McQueen’s stint as a stunt driver didn’t last long, however. “He overshot a turn, smoked the tires and everything. It’s in the film,” said Bud Elkins. “When Steve did that, it wasn’t on purpose. He goofed up, and they said, ‘that’s it, get him out of the car’. The next morning they were spraying my hair down and cutting it. Consequently, it was Elkins who drove the car down hilly Chestnut Avenue. Also, according to the book entitled The Films of Steve McQueen by Casey St. Charnaz, the other reason for McQueen’s removal from the Mustang was that McQueen’s wife at the time found out that he wanted to do all his own driving and apparently SHE had some input into the decision not to have him do all the driving.

As director Peter Yates prepared to begin filming the chase scenes, there were four drivers, McQueen, Bud Ekins, Bill Hickman, and in a few scenes, Carey Loftin. Loren Janes tells up, “Carey Loftin was easily the best car man in the business. He brought in Bill Hickman to play a part and drive the other car.” Loftin recalls: “I asked (the studio) what kind of guy were they looking for? And they described Bill Hickman, who was working on the LOVE BUG at the same time. Well, I said, he’s sitting right here. They really described Bill Hickman.”

The screenplay of the movie was written by Alan Trustman, based on the novel, Mute Witness by Robert L. Pike. But the story, according to Ron Riner was not the key element to the success of the movie. Riner says, “I think basically the story was long and confusing, so when the chase came along it was so good it gave more substance to the movie. I think it really saved the film, because most people don’t remember the story, they remember the chase. You couldn’t really remember the complete story, if somebody asked you, unless you read the script, because the script was much better and made more sense.”

As filming of the chase progressed, Loftin wanted to see the daily work (rushes). He was told that Mr. McQueen wouldn’t like that. Loftin insisted, and threatened to quit unless he could view the daily work. “It worked out really good,” Loftin said with a smile. “Because as we watched the rushes, you could hear a pin drop. I was sitting 3 or 4 rows in front of him (McQueen) and when it was over, he came down, stuck out his hand, and said, ‘Mr. Loftin, when you need me for a closeup you WILL let me know, won’t you?”



As for the cars, Max Balchowsky tells us, “I suggested they get a 390 GT. I had suggested using a Mustang, and a Dodge Charger, or else there would be too may Fords in the picture. I thought we’d mix up the cars.” The two 1968, four-speed Mustang GT fastbacks were purchased primarily because, promotionally, they were the best deal at the time. As far as Bud Ekins can recall, he feels the reason they used the Mustang was because “they wanted it to look like a cop car. This was his personal car and he wasn’t a rich guy, he didn’t have a real nice car. And it was Steve’s idea to put the big dent in the fender, to show that it got banged up and he didn’t have enough money or the time to fix it.”

Warner Brothers purchased two four-speed Dodge Chargers… “at a Chrysler dealership in Glendale California,” recalls Ron Riner. He also said the Dodge Chargers had to be purchased without promotional consideration, but after the success of the movie and the increase in Charger sales, Chrysler was more than willing to be generous with their vehicles to Warner Brothers for future projects. Mr. Riner posed an interesting premise: “did you realize that there wouldn’t be an 01 car (the General Lee in Dukes of Hazzard) if we hadn’t done BULLITT and Dodge hadn’t sold so many Chargers?”

Before the filming could be done, the Charger and the Mustang required preparation. One of the best wrenchmen in the movie business, Max Balchowsky, recalls the Mustang in particular needed considerable modifications so it could hold up during the relentless beatings it would take during the filming. “Carey said they were gonna do a lot of jumping with it, and he said it had to be strong. So I was a little hesitant. I didn’t know if they wanted to go over 50 foot cliffs. I had no idea what they wanted to do until I got there.” To beef up the Mustang, Balchowsky started with the suspension, reinforcing the shock towers, adding crossmembers and reinforcements, exchanging the springs for replacements with higher deflection rates and replacing the stock shocks with Konis. All suspension parts were magnafluxed and replaced where nescessary. The engine also came in for some modifications, including milling the heads, adding an aftermarket high performance ignition system and reworking the the carburetor and adding headers.



On the Mustang, Mr. Balchowsky recalls, “everybody suggested I put a Holley on the Mustang, it was better than the Ford carburetor. I’ve always had good luck with Fords, and didn’t want to spend money if i didn’t have to putting a Holley on. It ran good, needed just a few little adjustments. I changed the distributor and all, but basically never had the engine apart on the Ford.” Ron Riner remembers “the stock Mustang had undercarriage modifications, not only for the movie, but for Steve McQueen. Steve liked the sound of the car and he wanted mags. We hopped it up because Steve wanted the car hopped up. He was still a kid.”

Balchowsky remembers “I hardly had to anything to the Dodge’s engine, but what I was worried about was the strength of the front end.” To shore up the front, Balchowsky revised the torsion bars, beefed up the control arms and added heavy duty shocks. As with the Mustang, all parts were ‘fluxed. For the rear end, Balchowsky told us, “I got some special rear springs, what you call a high spring rate, a flat without any arch in it, and using that spring the car would stay low. It’s similar to the same springs they use in police cars, which makes a good combination. When the police specify a package, they have more spring here, a little bigger brake there, a little bit more happening in the shocks, and it makes a good car. But the director of BULLITT wanted a brand new car instead of an ex-police car, so I got the springs from a friend at Chrysler. We had to weld reinforcements under the arms and stuff on the Dodge. We did lose a lot of hubcaps on the Charger. We’d put the hubcaps back on, but I suppose it probably would have been better if we had lest them off.”

“I’ll tell you this,” said Max Balchowsky, “I was really impressed with the Mustang after I got done with it. I didn’t think it’d make that much difference beefing it up. Later, we took both cars out and went playing around with them over by Griffith Park (near Los Angeles). The Dodge, which was practically stock, just left the Mustang like you wouldn’t believe.” Ron Riner has similar recollections. “The Charger ran rings around the Mustang. We trimmed the tires down (on the Charger), we practically made them down to bicycle tires to try and handicap Hickman, and Bill just run them.” Carey Loftin also recalls,” we test ran the car at Griffith Park near the Observatory, up a long hill. and if you can run a car real hard up and down that hill it’s working pretty good.”



“The day before the chase scenes were to be filmed, we went up to Santa Rosa and rented the track,”said Balchowsky. “Steve wanted to test the car. A production manager would have cut your throat if you wanted to do something like that. An accident would have ruined the cars, and we were slated for Monday morning, 6:00 a.m. to start shooting. Hickman and Steve were buzzing around the tracks, and it was pretty even. McQueen and Hickman were both tickled with the cars. So, fortunately everything worked out.”

Generally everyone seemed to agree that the chase went smoothly, although filming went a “little bit slow,” Bud Ekins recalls. “Yates and Steve were particular. You would rehearse it once- it’s got to be choreographed- then you would rehearse it again, and if it looked good, they shot it. You rehearsed at about 1/4 speed or 1/2 speed, then you went in to film it at full speed.”

For the in-car scenes, two camers were mounted in the cars and painted black. The jarring landings after the cars were airborne are the result of the cameras being tightly secured and not cushion mounted. The effect was more than McQueen had bargained for. “It’s a funny thing,” he told Motor Trend. “That was what shocked me and I didn’t expect it, because we were using a 185 frame which is a very small frame. We weren’t even using a big super Panavision or anything. Even on the 185, they (the audience) jumped out of their seats. I didn’t do the shots going down the hill, they pulled me out of the car. Bud Ekins did that.”

In the Motor Trend interview, McQueen recalled there were some close calls and incidents that looked good on film but weren’t exactly planned to happen, some of which occured in the memorable downhill sequences. “Remember that banging going down? That was about 100 mph. I was bangin’ into Bill. My car was disintegrating. Like, the door handles came off, both the shocks in the front broke, the steering armature on the right front side broke and my slack was about a foot and a half. The Mustang was really just starting to fall apart.”

There was an incident which alerted the crew to take extra precautions while doing the car chase. “A child,” Riner told us, “maybe five years old, came out of a building and stepped out on to the street. We stopped and brought in more stunt people and more cars and I think the theory was if anybody had a problem, they’d make a barricade out of the vehicles. The problem never came up again, or I never saw a problem.” Incredible, considering there were only two policemen on the scene as compared to the 40 policemen utilized for the chase in MAD MAD WORLD. Carey Loftin says, “the extras were a big help. If there was an alley or any place that wasn’t covered, they’d come and tell me. They were real good.”



Because some of the stunts were so well orchestrated, they did not look like stunts at all. Recalls Carey Loftin: “Several years after BULLITT, an extra (on another set) was talking about BULLITT, and he was saying how it was amazing how accidents get into films and he said that the best one he ever saw was the scene where Bud Elkins did the spill off the motorcycle. I let him go ahead and tell it. He said ‘the cops were watching the action and weren’t watching the traffic and this motorcycle guy slipped through, and got into the scene and ended up in the picture.’ I said, ‘you really think that’s what happened?’ The extra said, ‘ I know, I saw it, I was there.’ And I said that’s the way it’s supposed to look, because it wasn’t supposed to look like a stunt.” Ron Riner comments on the scene, “I didn’t know about the stunt and I was supposed to get the information!”

There were THREE cars racing wildly through the streets of San Francisco, making car chase history, although only two are seen in the movie. The third vehicle, a camera car, was driven by Pat Houstis, while cinematographer Bill Fraker manned the camera. Said Ron Riner, “Pat Houstis was excellent and he was in his prime at the time.” Carey Loftin has nothing but praise for Mr. Houstis and an amusing recollection. “Pat Houstis, a terrific driver, had just built the camera car, and he showed it to me. He did a real good job on it. It was a Corvette chassis, and he had stripped all the stuff off and built a good suspension, good engine and everything. But it looked like hell.”

His confidence in Mr. Houstis is evident as he relates another incident. ” We had one scene where Pat was following Steve on Guadalupe Canyon Highway, a beautiful road. We wanted some shots of the Mustang really burning the corners. We did it several times. The operator of the first camera said, ‘Steve’s not getting his foot into it, he’s a better driver than that.’ I went to Steve and said, ‘you know Pat Houstis is a terrific driver.’ Steve said ‘yeah, yeah he is.’ I said, ‘he knows responsibility too. You know what that man would do if I was driving the car in front of him and anything would happen? He’d run into a parked car or hit a tree just to miss me. Now think what he’d do for the star? Now get into that car and get your foot into it!’ We got the shot on the next take.”

One particular scene that impressed Max Balchowsky was the gunman in the Dodge firing a shotgun blast at the pursuing Mustang that shatters the right front of the windshield. “The guy who did special effects devised the chain balls that bust the Mustang windshield. I thought it was terrific when the guy whips the shotgun out and the way the special effects fellow devised how those pebbles cracked the windshield and it made it so realistic like he really shot the windshield. It sure made Ford glass look good.”

The gentleman in the car, playing Bill Hickman’s partner in crime, was actor Paul Genge. According to Ron Riner, Mr. Genge, who played a very realistic tough guy, “seemed like he had hardly ever seen a gun before. They scared the hell out of him. In the scenes in the Charger with Hickman, he was scared to death. After two or three time we almost had to bodily put tranqiulizers in him, and put him in the car. Mr. Hickman was one of the coolest drivers I’ve ever met.” Max Balchowsky tells us, “there was a scene where the Charger passed a truck, and they only wanted to leave so much room on one side, and Hickman did it perfectly when he came by and took the bumper off the truck. That was a super shot. Throughout the chase sequences, some of them were accidents but, they looked fantastic- Hickman was terrific.”



To achieve the stunning conclusion to the chase in which the Charger loses control, leaps an Armco fence and plows into a gasoline station, Loftin rigged up a tow and release set up hidden from the camera’s view between the Mustang and the Charger. Dressed to double McQueen, Loftin laterally towed the Charger at 90 mph with its two dummy passengers and at the right moment released the Charger into the nitro-loaded gas station. Unfortunately, the Charger missed the station, but the charges were set off and the explosion, thanks to some deft film editing, had the desired effect and was added to the movie.

There seemed to be a general atmosphere of professionalism and mutual admiration on the set. Loren Janes tells us, ” I loved to see a lot of the little things in Steve’s films. The best teeny things came up in it, the best stuff was Steve’s ideas. Like when they’re (Hickman and Genge) going up the hill and they’re after Steve and all of a sudden he disappears and they can’t see him and the guy (Hickman) looks up and Steve appears in his rear view mirror. In other words, he changed it, now he’s chasing them. Well that was a great turn of events. It was fantastic. It was WILD reckless driving, but it was planned and coordinated. There was class to the BULLITT chase, there was a reason for it, and that’s one of the key things people forget: the greatest stunt in the world is worthless if there isn’t a reason or story to it and BULLITT had a story point all the way through and a reason.

The enduring scenes of the forboding Charger and the powerful Mustang have etched themselves in film making history. The sequences were the brain child of Steve McQueen; He knew what he wanted and how he wanted it to appear on film. No one has duplicated the electricity or the savage ferocity that manifested itself in BULLITT chase scenes, and it’s doubtful any one ever will.

Friday, September 25, 2009

auto-turgaus bliuzas

Net ir be automobilių turgaus Marijampolė randa kuo dėmesį prikaustyt, tai šlapimo nelaikančiom paauglėm, tai kniaukiančiom manekenėm. Tiesa, dar liko paminklas.

Bet aš ne apie tai.

Dar prieš kelis metus „Majamis“ buvo prekybininkų automobiliais sostinė. „Bulbašų, čiurkų, tadžikų“ etc. Meka.

Na, visos garsios ir didelės maldos vietos buvo sugriautos, taip ir turgus. Vienas bankrutavo, kitas „persimėtė ant rusų“, kitas dar šiek tiek gyvas. Taip, buvo gal keturios vietos, pilnos automobilių. Tūkstančiai jų ant žemės ir dar daugiau tūkstančių ant tralų.



Pagrdindinė prekybos vieta. Nepastebimai ištuštėjus, pirkėjų vienetai, automobilių kainos gal per pusę mažesnės.

Taip galėčiau ir tęsti, tačiau man labiausiai patinkanti vieta Marijampolėje (be Ramybės parko) yra labiau rusų rinkai skirta aikštelė. Nuo senų Astrų ir Audi, prie naujų..

Trynukėss – Toyota Prius

Te “autolaužynas” jūsų nesuklaidina ;]

Dodge Stratus dvynės

Juokingos man šitos mašinytės, bet sako rusams patinka -Scion

Gražuolė Eclipse – stovi čia mažiausiai pusę metų, beje, kaip ir dauguma aubomobilių

Vaizdas nuo tilto. Tūrį užpildo netvarkingai išsidėstę tralai, be to, automobiliai taip pat čia “užsibuvę”

Pirkimo nuotykiai

Kuomet turgus dar buvo lankomiausia vieta ant Suvalkijos žemės, tai ir prikėjų buvo. Absurdiškiausi, žinoma, lietuviai. Kai automobilį perka, tarkim, baltarusis, dialogas apsiriboja – “давaй, Бaтиa, прaдавай, 600€”. Viskas.

Lietuvis gi, ateina su žmona, dviem vaikais, uošve ir dar “specu”. Atsineša linijuotę – tarpduriam matuot. Išnarsto, kaip sakoma – po kaulelį, o galų gale neperka, nes žmonai spalva prie batų nedera


Ši, nors ir su automatine pavarų dėže, turėjo būti mano, jei ne… k-r-i-z-ė :/

Box auto a Roma

Ricevo da Francesco, ns. corrispondente di Roma e pubblico:

Dall’inchiesta pubblicata su Quattroruote edizione romana: dalla tabella quartiere per quartiere si evince che vicino San Pietro un box di 14 mq si paga mediamente 90.000 euro, ma, come si evince anche dalla foto riproducente vari cartelli di vendesi, se con vista su San Pietro (…) e soppalcato può arrivare tranquillamente a 170.000 euro. E’ follia…

Thursday, September 24, 2009

So lonely, so lonely ...

Es gibt Momente, da durchdringt einem von einem Augenblick auf den nächsten womöglich die Erkenntnis, dass wir ein Haufen zusammengepacktes Nichts sind, das auf einem Staubkorn inmitten eines Universums, welches wir uns nicht annähernd vorzustellen in der Lage sind, durch etwas trudelt, das wir als Zeit bezeichnen, das aber letztlich auch nur eine hilflose Konstruktion des Unfassbaren darstellt, und eine bodenlose, untröstliche, beinahe wahnsinnig machende Verlorenheit und Einsamkeit erfasst einem.

Vielleicht war es einer dieser Momente, der eine mitteljunge Frau dazu veranlasste, auf einem großzügigen Parkplatz, bei dem im Umkreis von 25 Metern nur ein Auto parkte, sich genau neben dieses eine Auto zu stellen. Eben um eine gnädige Milderung dieses tieftraurigen Gefühls zu erhoffen. Und da die Einsamkeit sehr groß war, stellte sie sich auch so eng neben das andere Auto, dass dessen Fahrer, der gerade noch recht gutgelaunt mit einem der letzten Eise dieser Saison in der Hand zurückkam, sich seine Zeit als Schlangenmensch in Erinnerung rufen musste, um überhaupt sein Gefährt besteigen zu können.

Mit einem Waffeleis in der Hand sich in ein Auto zu zwängen, ohne nennenswerte Kleckereien verursacht zu haben, halte ich für eine grandiose Leistung dieses Fahrers, den zu rasieren ich jeden Morgen das Vergnügen habe.

Noch besser war allerdings jener Verkehrsnichtteilnehmer, der von der Flut der bereitwilligen Parkmöglichkeiten überfordert zu sein schien und sich stattdessen lieber auf die Fahrbahn stellte, unmittelbar vor der Ausfahrt, so dass alle Autos (also zumindest das eine, in welchem der noch Waffelreste knabbernde Schlangenmensch saß) mühsam um ihn herumkurven mussten.

Dafür wurde ihm dann aber auch der böseste Blick der Woche zuteil … obwohl, warten wir es ab, die Woche ist ja noch nicht zu Ende …

Auto moto

Handel samochodowy. Handel samochodowy to wiodący serwis zawierający ogromną bazę, kupna – sprzedaży samochodów używanych. Jak sprzedawać przez internet. Na auto rynku jesteśmy już od kilkunastu lat , okres ten, to czas kiedy auto moto nabywało doświadczenia na Polskim rynku jak i wśród naszych europejskich partnerów. Dodawałeś kiedyś ofertę sprzedaży auta do gazety, zajmującej się sprzedaży samochodów? Ciągle czekałeś parę dni na ukazanie się twojego ogłoszenia motoryzacyjnego, kiedy były ich tysiące. Przy współpracy z auto moto możesz bezpłatnie dodać i wyszukać ogłoszenia motoryzacyjne z Polski i krajów Unii Eropejskiej!Auto handel dla Ciebie. Auto moto to po prostu największa oferta używanych samochodów wielu marek i modeli. Chętnie za darmo dodamy twoje ogłoszenie auto handlu w naszej auto giełdzie, zajmującym się auto handlem, a ogłoszenia sprzedaży auta ukarze się od razu. Każde dodane ogłoszenie samochodu używanego momentalnie znajduje się w bazie auto moto!
Jak korzystać z usług auto handlu: zerknij na stronę auto handlu i skorzystaj z zakładki „dodaj ogłoszenie”. Uzupełnij kwestionariusz auto handlu, koniecznie dodaj zdjęcia i już właściwie jesteś właścicielem ogłoszenia motoryzacyjnego w serwisie auto handlu. Atrakcyjny zbiór ofert auto moto sprawił, że gwarantujemy, iż oferty auto moto pochodzą od osób prywatnych jak i naszych partnerów prowadzących komisy i giełdy samochodowe. Tak jak obiecywaliśmy w przeciągu kilku sekund auto handel otworzył przed tobą wrota Internetu, a twoim klientom umożliwił dotarcie do twojego ogłoszenia, pamiętaj, że dodatkowe dane możesz dopisać wchodząc na swoje konto. Każde ogłoszenie auto moto opatrzone jest opisem i zdjęciami. Pamiętaj, że auto handel to delikatna gałąź handlu, więc nie oszczędzaj swoim klientom szczegółów. W każdej chwili możesz też zajrzeć do działu auto moto „Producenci”, możesz tam dowiedzieć się więcej o marce swojego auta, a bardziej dociekliwym polecamy dział auto moto „Dane Techniczne”, gdzie będą mogli zaspokoić swoją wiedzę dotyczącą produkowanych marek i modeli samochodów używanych. Wyczerpujące informacje i zdjęcia używanego auta, uatrakcyjniają twoją ofertę, dla klientów auto handlu. Sukcesem na który pracowaliśmy wiele lat to zawsze aktualne oferty motoryzacyjne dostępne są w każdej chwili w serwisie, bez konieczności wychodzenia z domu. Drugą stroną auto handlu jest kupno aut używanych i nie jest łatwo znaleźć doskonałe dla siebie używane auto, gdy w gazetach i Internecie mamy do przejrzenia tysiące auto handlowych ofert Z auto giełda zyskasz czas, który straciłbyś objeżdżając komisy i giełdy samochodowe, gdzie dostępnych jest zaledwie kilkanaście aut używanych i zamiast wybrać auto marzeń, decydować się na to co jest aktualnie w ofercie. Tylko auto moto wyświetli ci bazę setek egzemplarzy konkretnej firmy, w różnych kolorach, z wybranymi przez ciebie elementami wyposażenia i w zróżnicowanych przedziałach cenowych. Auto moto to największy portal oferujący najpopularniejsze samochody używane liczących się na rynku motoryzacyjnym marek i modeli, ale auto moto to także portal, który dobierze oferty motoryzacyjne zgodnie z twoimi wymaganiami! Z auto moto łatwiej znaleźć używane auto!Dzięki serwisowi auto handel będzie o wiele prościej, odnaleźć wymarzone auto w bogatej bazie używanych samochodów auto handlu, dysponujemy największą bazą samochodów używanych. Auto handel znajdzie dla Ciebie wymarzone używane auto, jedynie przejdź do zakładki auto handel „szukaj” i określ swoje potrzeby. Zachęcamy do współpracy z auto moto! Auto handel w swojej bazie ma wiele ofert samochodów produkowanych w Europie, Azji, czy Ameryce, (a ich wybór dostosujemy do twoich indywidualnych wymagań. W ofercie auto handlu są samochody nadające się zarówno dla rodziny jaki i do pracy, auta idealne na miasto i mocne auta terenowe. Istotą auto handlu jest nieustanne służenie ci pomocą i oferowanie samochodów używanych w korzystnej cenie.


No me molestó la multa. Cuando la recibí apenas me detuve a analizar si era justa o injusta, solo escupí un insulto al duende ruin que saca las fotos para anexar a la descripción de la infracción y me resigné.

Pasó el tiempo, no sin intención olvidé aquel papel. Tampoco reflexioné demasiado acerca de mi estúpida forma de evasión, el olvido, pero el papel no se quedaría quieto.

Unas semanas después la cigüeña entintada de la burocracia estatal me hizo llegar una nota-intimación-carta-documento-de envío simple. Con irónica esperanza abrí el sobre, alentaba expectativas, esperaba recibir una de esas cartas infinitas como las de Dostoievsky, algún sermón en el que las inflexiones del vocabulario me mantuvieran atado y alerta, pero no. La misiva ahora provenía de un estudio jurídico. Esta vez se me advertía que, aparte de pagar la multa, en breve me vería obligado a abonar el trabajo ajeno y los costos de las gestiones dolorosas y torturantes efectuadas por un encomiable lic. en ciencias jurídicas (abogado, no doctor) a causa de mi gravísima infracción. Esta vez me molestó un poco más, no lo suficiente, pero al menos ahora me molesté en indagar acerca de la imputación que se me hacía. Encontré muchos detalles, aristas casi ilegales y ambigüedades que me hubiesen permitido esgrimir alguna defensa, pero no quise dedicar tanto tiempo de mi vida a una dialéctica tan opaca.

Esa noche me acosté tarde. Tuve un sueño gris como la multa. Horriblemente gris.

 Suena el teléfono

-         Hola

-         Hola ¿con el señor Pinto, Pablo Pinto?

-         Si, soy yo

-         Le habla el doctor Correa, me comunico con usted a los fines de solicitarle que confirme la recepción y su posterior notificación de mi envío postal

-         ¿Qué, de que habla?

-         Quiero decirle que debe considerarse notificado, que su infracción de tránsito ahora seguirá por los caminos legales necesarios para impulsar la reparación económica de la contravención efectuada

-         ¿pero usted quien es? ¿como consiguió su número?

-         Mi proceder es legitimo, estoy amparado por la potestad que me otorgó el municipio en el cual usted efectuó la contravención

-         Usted no es abogado es un mero cobrador, esto es una extorsión.

-         No se confunda señor, evite mayores prejuicios y cuide sus modales. Por lo pronto usted deberá depositar el monto especificado en la cuenta que le mencionamos en la notificación. De no contar con el depósito para el día martes, los costos de la reparación se incrementarán en forma considerable debida a costas y gestiones tercerizadas

-         Tercerizadas las pelotas, usurero hijo de puta…

 “Musica de espera” (Arjona “dime que no”)

 Un río de ácido me había quemado la garganta, perdí la voz y ante la impotencia de no ser escuchado se me impuso Arjona con sus rimas vulgares y sus lugares comunes refritados en aceite canceroso.

 -      Señor, disculpe la interrupción, debí atender un llamado mas importante.

-         Importante va a ser la patada en el culo que te voy a pegar. ¿Desde donde me estas llamando? cuervo hijo de puta, te voy a ir a buscar…

-         “Musica de Espera”


Desperté. Todavía tenía los puños cerrados, con las uñas clavadas en las palmas. La ira generada por aquella ficción onírica se despejó luego de varias horas, cuando la mañana se terminaba.

Creí que todo se reduciría a un mal trago nocturno, pero me equivoqué. Ahora veo los papeles: la multa y la carta. No me importa si es justa o injusta, ya no pienso en mi contravención. Esos papeles ahora son documentos de una humillación, del secuestro de mi derecho de catarsis, de una ofensa con música en espera. La cólera renace si pienso demasiado. Irrespetuosos. Todavía reverbera el croar del juglar redundante. No voy a olvidarme nunca de lo que me hicieron anoche. No voy a pagar la multa.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

risarcimento diretto

Dal 1° febbraio 2007 è attiva la procedura del risarcimento diretto secondo la quale se hai subìto un incidente con un altro veicolo che abbia causato danni alle cose trasportate di tua proprietà, al veicolo e/o lesioni non gravi alla tua persona e non sei responsabile o lo sei solo in parte, devi rivolgerti direttamente al tuo assicuratore che è tenuto a risarcire il tuo danno.

ATTENZIONE: solo in casi specifici è applicabile tale procedura ovvero:

  • L’incidente deve aver coinvolto soltanto due veicoli entrambi identificati, regolarmente assicurati ed immatricolati in Italia;
  • Se uno dei due veicoli (o entrambi) è un ciclomotore, deve essere targato secondo il nuovo regime di targatura entrato in vigore il 14 luglio 2006. La nuova procedura di risarcimento diretto si applica quindi a tutti i ciclomotori immessi in circolazione dal 14 luglio 2006, mentre a quelli già in circolazione a questa data essa si applica soltanto se abbiano volontariamente aderito al nuovo regime;
  • Se oltre alle cose trasportate ed al veicolo hai riportato danni fisici, deve trattarsi di lesioni non gravi, cioè di danni alla persona con invalidità permanente non superiore al 9%.

La procedura di risarcimento diretto si applica anche se sul tuo o sull’altro veicolo coinvolto erano presenti, oltre ai conducenti, altre persone che hanno subìto lesioni anche gravi (cioè danni alla persona con invalidità permanente superiore al 9%).

La richiesta di risarcimento potrà essere consegnata a mano al tuo assicuratore oppure inviata mediante lettera raccomandata a.r. o a mezzo telegramma, telefax o posta elettronica (a meno che quest’ultimo mezzo sia escluso dal tuo contratto).

Ricorda che il tuo assicuratore è obbligato a formulare offerta di risarcimento entro 60 giorni dal pervenimento della richiesta per i danni alle cose o al veicolo ed entro 90 giorni per i danni alla persona.
Il termine di 60 giorni si riduce a 30 giorni se tu e il conducente dell’altro veicolo avete sottoscritto congiuntamente il modulo di constatazione amichevole (cid). Per questo è molto importante che la richiesta di risarcimento sia completa di tutti gli elementi richiesti dalla legge. Per predisporre la richiesta puoi rivolgerti al tuo assicuratore che è tenuto a fornirti tutta l’assistenza necessaria anche ai fini della quantificazione dei danni alle cose ed al veicolo. Se la richiesta è incompleta di qualche elemento essenziale, l’assicuratore è inoltre tenuto ad informarti richiedendoti di integrare la richiesta stessa.
N.B.: se dichiari di accettare la somma che ti viene offerta, l’assicuratore è tenuto ad effettuare il pagamento entro 15 giorni.
Se non raggiungi un accordo con il tuo assicuratore potrai agire in giudizio nei suoi confronti.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Stolze Autobesitzer

Wir haben’s getan! Wir haben ein Auto gekauft! Endlich haben die Sucherei und der Stress ein Ende. Und wir sind superglücklich und zufrieden mit unserem neuen Gefährt, das für die nächsten zehn bis elf Monate auch unser Heim sein wird. Es ist ein Mitsubishi Pajero (was im Übrigen übersetzt „Wichser“ heißen soll) mit Allradantrieb, so dass wir so ziemlich überall hinfahren können, wonach uns gerade ist – inklusive Strand, Matsch, flacher Flussbetten und felsiger Schotterpisten – oh man, das wird so cool Wir haben es von einem deutschen Pärchen auf Weltreise abgekauft, das es vor zweieinhalb Monaten gekauft, umgebaut (Hintersitze raus, Bett rein) und gemütlich eingerichtet hat. Vom Kocher über Campingstühle bis hin zu Kühlbox, Töpfen, Geschirr und anderen wichtigen Dingen, die man so zum Leben und Überleben braucht, ist alles dabei.

Der Autokauf in Australien ist an sich nicht so aufwändig wie in Deutschland – was nicht bedeutet, dass bei uns alles reibungslos abgelaufen ist. Nachdem wir uns das Auto angeschaut und probegefahren haben, waren wir in einer Werkstatt, um sicher zu gehen, dass wir auch keinen Mist kaufen. Dort wurde uns dann anderthalb Stunden später und um 180$ ärmer gesagt, dass es ein gutes Auto sei, und nach einiger Handelei durften wir den Schlitten schließlich unser Eigen nennen. Also schnell die Moneten überwiesen und ab zum Ummelden. Dafür braucht man eigentlich nur den Pass, den Führerschein, ne Kreditkarte und eine Bestätigung, wo sich der derzeitige Wohnsitz befindet. Doch der Depp von Hostelmanager hatte es auch nach der dritten Berichtigung nicht hinbekommen, Thomas‘ Namen richtig zu schreiben, so dass wir schließlich auf seine Versicherung hin, dass das nicht so wichtig sei, losgezogen sind. Das böse Erwachen kam dann auf der Registrierungsstelle  – also zurück zum Hostel und das Ganze von vorn… Und natürlich alles auf Englisch – ihr könnt mir glauben, welche Odyssee das für uns war.

ABER: Wir haben’s geschafft und nun dürfen wir euch stolz unser neues Baby präsentieren (die Bilder zeigen leider nicht mal annähernd, wie cool das Teil in Wirklichkeit ist):

Nachdem wir zurück im Hostel waren, wo das Auto seit gestern und noch bis nächste Woche in der Garage steht (so lange haben wir noch hier gebucht, obwohl wir jetzt eigentlich ne viel günstigere Schlafmöglichkeit hätten), haben wir noch mal das komplette Equipment angeschaut und uns beglückwünscht, welch tollen Kauf wir doch getätigt haben. Das Auto ist echt toll und ich fühl mich jetzt schon richtig wohl und möchte am liebsten direkt durchstarten. Aber wie gesagt: Das Hostel ist noch bis nächsten Montag bezahlt. Dann werden wir aber endgültig unsere sieben Sachen packen!

Achso: Die Antwort des letzten Quizzes lautet c) Elefanten!

Und die Fotos, die wir grad noch hochgeladen haben, sind am Sonntag beim Sydney Marathon entstanden. Und da wir den so gut überstanden haben, haben wir anschließend gleich noch nen kleinen Spaziergang durch die Royal Botanic Gardens und den Mrs. Macquarie’s Point bis nach Kings Cross gemacht – zum Glück, denn dort haben wir auch das Auto gefunden, dessen stolze Besitzer wir seit heute offiziell sind

Not Much

So today I was busy from 8:57 AM until 5:01. Which means I had no time to check on the market. I did check once, and the Dow was down about 80 points.

Not quite the pullback I was expecting, but it is the beginning of something. Especially with the economic superpowers in the US as well as the world convening several times this week, I think we are about to receive some sobering news that will have investors reconsider their stance on this faux rally.

For those that were keeping tabs, the second time was just now, where the Dow ended the day down 43 points.

I’m hoping to buy this week. Regardless of what happens, next week is the last week that for me to buy.

I am also thinking about selling. Particularly SU, EGO, and DBB. I’ve wanted to get out of the commodities for a while, and I think now is a pretty good time since I’ve made a serious amount with each investment. I also see myself investing in other positions for a longer period of time (BAC, APOG, YHOO, and SPIL).

Oh yeah, newbies, that’s right, I didn’t mention F. I’m in limbo with that stock because I’m not sure where it’s headed. In the past week, it lost over 20% of its value because of the looming debt coming due next year. And we’re talking about billions upon billions of dollars of debt. Furthermore, from a fundamental analysis standpoint, I’m not really sure whether F is a viable company as the sole American car company. I’m thinking car buyers worldwide will appreciate the competition fostered in international markets that will ultimately lead to cutting edge innovation in their products. Ultimately, there is only so much F can do.

Monday, September 21, 2009

iaa 2009 - ein paar highlights

bei meinem besuch bei der iaa 2009 habe ich mir wieder ein paar autos näher angesehen, hier der erste teil meiner persönlichen hightlights:

1. rolls royce ghost

(c) Stefan Gruber

der “kleine” rolls ist mit 5,4 meter zwar noch immer eine sehr gewaltige erscheinung, passt jedoch perfekt zur traditionsreichen marke aus england.

(c) Stefan Gruber

natürlich hat auch die neueste technik und elektronik einzug gehalten, jedoch sind die edlen elemente die einen rolls royce ausmachen erhalten geblieben. schon bei der ersten sitzprobe fühlt man den geist der alten rolls royce modelle, viel stil, viel platz und gewaltige abmessungen sind einem auch beim neuesten rolls royce sicher.

(c) Stefan Gruber

natürlich bleibt es auch beim preis bei den alten tugenden: ab rund 250.000 euro kann man sich einen “ghost” in die garage stellen.

2. mercedes sls amg

(c) Stefan Gruber

auch dieses auto soll an alte tradition anknüpfen und die flügeltür-ära bei mercedes neu zum leben erwecken. die modernen formen, welche aber durchaus anlehnung an den ur-flügeltürer zeigen, passen dem sls sehr gut. das heck hat zwar ein bisschen etwas vom bmw z8 (ein leider weit unterschätzes auto zu seiner zeit…), was jedoch kein fehler sein soll.

(c) Stefan Gruber

mit 6,3 liter hubraum und 571 ps lässt der sls amg seinen vorgänger jedoch blass aussehen. auch im vergleich zum mercedes slr mclaren kann der sls mit einem wesentlich agileren fahrverhalten aufwarten, wie erste testrunden gezeigt haben. der slr war ja eher ein wagen für die gerade straße, während der sls auch um die kurzen gezirkelt werden kann, ohne dem fahrer den angstschweiß auf die stirn zu treiben – so erzählen es zumindest die wenigen die schon die ehre hatten ein paar runden drehen zu dürfen.

(c) Stefan Gruber

beim einstieg werden jedoch wieder die alten probleme präsent: die flügeltüren sind für große menschen einfach eine unpraktische erscheinung und der breite steg beim einstieg erleichtert es auch nicht gerade in- bzw. aus dem auto zu kommen. irgendwie ergben sich aber sehr lustige momente, wenn man den leuten beim ein- und ausstieg zusieht. elegant schafft diese übung nämlich nicht mal der sportlichste mensch, sofern er über 1,43 meter hoch ist.

trotzdem ein traumauto, welches preislich zumindest einen hauch günstiger als ein rolls royce ghost ist – bei rund 212.000,- euro beginnt die preisliste, es werden aber mercedes-typisch sicher wieder einige goodies zu haben sein, welche den preis noch nach oben treiben

Noul 911 Turbo, cel mai rapid Porsche din lume

Salonul auto de la Frankfurt a gazduit, zilele aceastea, noul model Porsche 911 Turbo.

Bolidul este propulsat de un V6 nou-nout de 3,8 litri, cu injectie directa de carburant, supra-alimentat de doua turbocompresoare ce transmite cei 500 de cai putere la toate cele patru roti, ale automobilului.

Este al doilea model Porsche ce depaseste bariera de 500 de cai putere, dupa actualul GT2 care dezvolta 530 de cai putere.

Chiar daca noul motor este mai puternic cu doar 20 de cai putere, decat precursorul sau, acest surplus ii va permite noului 911 Turbo sa ajunga la 100km/h in doar 3,7 secunde, cu trei zecimi de secunda mai putin decat actualul model si sa atinga o viteza maxima de 312 km/h.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Tuppulan faunaan erottamattomasti kuuluva lintunen, joka tuppaa istuskelemaan talojen räystäillä ja kakkimaan sieltä kokopäivätoimisesti.

Jouduin jättämään auton improvisoidulle paikalle jokunen päivä sitten, ja siinähän sitä oli kyljen mitalta. Autopesulaankaan en kiireiltäni kerinnyt.

Tänä iltana sukua Leccen asemalle saatilta palatessa mitta oli täynnä: ajoin kärryn piazzan suihkulähteen viereen, otin takakontista sienen ja keskikokoisen hiekkakakkuämpärin, ja pesin koko paskan. Kirjaimellisesti. Toimenpidettä oli todistamassa ainoastaan piazzan penkillä iltaa istuva paikallinen eksentrikko, jonka mielipiteestä en juuri ole huolissani – pikkukaupungissa pitää aina olla huolissaan siitä mitä ihmisetkin ajattelevat. Kaupungin ensimmäisen, viimeisen tai ainoan hipin kanssa olemme ehkä tasoissa.

Oggi a Imola un ritiro in Gara 1 ha messo fine subito alle mie ambizioni, e quindi il Larini che ha terminato meglio in una classifica questa domenica è stato... Gabriele!

La prima corsa per me è durata poco: nel caos mi sono ritrovato decimo, una posizione peggio di quella in cui mi partivo in griglia, con alle spalle la BMW di Priaulx che premeva da campione del mondo quale è stato Andy. Ho fatto il possibile per non perdere posizioni, visto che il mio obiettivo oggi era arrivare settimo oppure ottavo per partire davanti sulla griglia di Gara 2, e nonostante nel parapiglia alla prima curva una Seat mi avesse piegato lo sterzo sono brevemente riuscito nel mio intento, facendo anche il miglior tempo della gara in un settore. Ma la corsa è finita in anticipo dopo quattro passaggi col problema al propulsore che si è visto nella diretta televisiva. Detto questo, voglio aggiungere che sono stato in mezzo a tante partenze caotiche nel WTCC, ma quella della prima gara di Imola probabilmente le batte tutte! Davvero partire all’interno qui arrivati alla prima curva si è rivelato un trampolino di lancio… per finire in mezzo ai guai.

Grazie al velocissima sostituzione di motore dei miei meccanici, che ringrazio, ho potuto partire la seconda corsa  dall’ultima fila. Sono risalito alcune posizioni per poi lottare col coltello tra i denti per difendermi dagli attacchi di Joerg Mueller. Proprio come aveva fatto ad Oschersleben il tedesco della  BMW mi ha tamponato, altrimenti non avrebbe probabilmente potuto passarmi. Mi infastidisce molto che queste cose, che lui fa abitualmente quando è nelle retrovie, passino sempre lisce mentre altre magari veniali, se si vedono in TV sono sviscerate a fondo. Così ho finito 15.; e visto che anche  mio fratello Andrea non è riuscito meglio di me in classifica, oggi devo riconoscere che il Larini che ha ottenuto il miglior risultato ad Imola è stato mio figlio Gabriele che ha finito settimo nella corsa del Trofeo 500. Non posso certo dire che mi dispiaccia, ma prima che cominci a prendere in giro suo padre, è bene dire che alla partenza erano solo dodici auto, contro le venticinque del WTCC!

“Top Gear” filmeaza in Casa Poporului

Biroul Permanent al Camerei Deputatilor a aprobat o solicitare a BBC “Top Gear” pentru realizarea unei filmari, in ziua de 22 septembrie, cu trei automobile – Ferrari, Lamborghini si Aston Martin, in garajele si tunelele accesibile autoturismelor.

Realizatorii emisiunii “Top Gear” din Marea Britanie au ales Romania ca destinatie pentru filmarea ultimului episod dintr-o serie de 14 emisiuni pentru promovarea la nivel mondial. Filmarile vor continua in mai multe locuri, incepand cu statiunile de pe litoralul Marii Negre, Delta Dunarii, Podisul Dobrogei, Transfagarasan si alte obiective din Bucuresti, iar obiectivul filmarilor este de a promova Romania in cele peste 90 de tari in care este transmisa emisiunea.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

FIAT 2 - La vendetta

Il titolo Fiat continua a salire impunemente, senza che mi decida a salire sul carro. Gli arrivano nuove spinte, che passano attraverso il salone dell’auto di Francoforte.

Prima inizia le danze il ministro Claudio Scajola, che afferma:  “valuteremo di concerto con gli altri Stati Ue quella che oggi è una cosa auspicata e auspicabile, di proseguire con gli incentivi nel settore auto”. E’ ovvio che se gli incentivi per l’acquisto delle auto venissero meno, il settore tornerebbe a sprofondare: è questa la spada di Damocle temuta dagli investitori. Secondo un analista interpellato a caldo, “le parole del ministro sono ovviamente un buon segnale, anche se il mercato dava già per scontato il rinnovo degli incentivi e dunque il titolo Fiat, già ampiamente positivo, non ha reagito”.

Ma a un certo punto l’azione parte in su, superando la barriera dei 9 euro e segnando il nuovo massimo dell’anno a 9,01. Son state le parole di Sergio Marchionne al salone dell’auto: il gruppo raggiungerà l’obiettivo di 5 milioni e mezzo-6 milioni di auto vendute solo (visto che la partita Opel è chiusa) grazie all’apporto di Chrysler, il cui piano industriale sarà presentato a novembre. E poi il 2010 non sarà così duro come quest’anno, sempre che vengano rinnovati gli incentivi; il messaggio di Marchionne al governo è chiaro: senza il rinnovo degli incentivi alla rottamazione, l’impatto sarebbe “disastroso”. E il titolo corre. E io non mi decido a saltare sul carro: quanto durerà questa salita? E se salto e la salita si ferma o — peggio — si trasforma in discesa? E qui capisco l’unica strada che mi resta per non farmi fregare da questi tamarri: attendere il titolo al varco, cogliere il momento in cui non avrà più fiato per far la salita e sarà costretto ad arretrare, ed entrare al ribasso.

Stamattina Fiat apre in rialzo e ricomincia a correre: 9,03 , 9,06 , 9,08… Dove diavolo vuol arrivare? Salire adesso sul carro è impensabile, sarebbe da incoscienti. Anche perché c’è già chi inizia a gufare: Una Sim* milanese, commentando le dichiarazioni di Marchionne, ritiene poco credibile il raggiungimento dell’obiettivo di 5,5/6 milioni di auto di Fiat e Chrysler, “che stimiamo partano da meno di 4 milioni nel 2009″. E poi, “il rinnovo degli incentivi è sicuramente una notizia positiva, ma un calo della domanda è comunque da mettere in preventivo”. Secondo un’altra Sim, le dichiarazioni sulla necessità di rinnovare gli incentivi “non stupiscono, poiché riflettono la principale causa alla base della nostra valutazione poco attraente del titolo: l’evoluzione dei mercati auto nel 2010 in assenza di incentivi” (tenendo conto che Germania e Stati Uniti non li rinnoveranno, e l’Italia non si è ancora pronunciata).

Date le mie intenzioni, faccio ovviamente il tifo per i gufi. Così, quando vedo che le quotazioni cominciano a rallentare e a incagliarsi, e poi a scendere un po’, e poi a calare ancora, mi decido. Del resto, nessuna azione può salire in eterno. Da 9,07 a 9,05 (perché diavolo non sono ancora entrato?), poi a 9,03 mi decido a premere il pulsante “vendi“: ho venduto allo scoperto, sono andato short, come si dice in gergo. La discesa è contrastata: ogni due passi sembra voler risalire, rifà un gradino, sta lì contesa fra compratori e venditori, poi torna a scendere, ma poi si ferma di nuovo e risale di qualche centesimo, e dài, non fatemi penare, muovetevi, non vedete che il 2010 sarà un anno del cazzo? Ecco 8,99 , evviva, abbiamo rivarcato il confine, abbassati, torna coi piedi per terra. 8,97 , 8,96. A 8,95 però minaccia di tornare su: mi tiene un po’ sulla graticola, si rimangia qualche tick, sembra voler salire e sembra voler scendere, così premo “compra” e ricopro la posizione, e prendo profitto.

E vaffanculo, Fiat.

Going to space? Afraid of a nuclear attack? There's coverage for that!

Space Tourism Insurance

 People willing to shell out $20 million for a trip into outer space are propelling a new phenomenon known as space tourism. As you may have guessed, leaving the planet is considered a dangerous activity, and insurance companies are reluctant to extend coverage to space travelers. But if you can afford to plunk down the money for a trip into space, you can probably afford the hefty insurance premium that comes with it.

 Bottom line: If you’re planning on leaving Earth, check with your insurance agent first.

 Nuclear Attack Insurance

 Bad news: Home insurance provides no coverage for nuclear radiation or contamination claims. Therefore, if your home is destroyed by a nuclear attack, you’re on your own to rebuild. On the bright side, though, if your home is nuked–and you somehow escape the blast–your home insurance policy will probably be the least of your worries.

 Wedding Insurance and Special Event Insurance

If you’re getting hitched, do it with protection! According to the Insurance Information Institute, wedding and special event insurance “can be used to cover a 50th anniversary party, a bar mitzvah, a graduation party or any special occasion you might be planning.” It provides coverage for natural disasters, damaged gowns or tuxedos, stolen gifts, unforeseen honeymoon difficulties (insert joke here), or counseling costs to remedy severe emotional stress due to an unexpected wedding cancellation (save for change of heart, which isn’t covered). Prices range from $125 into the thousands depending on the amount of coverage desired.

 Wedding insurance can’t stop your spouse from ditching you at the altar–in which case you’re on your own–but at least you’re covered if a hurricane or other natural disaster wipes out your wedding locale.

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Here at the Protection Connection, we offer a wide variety of insurance coverages. Contact us today to see how we can help with all of your insurance needs or give us a call 1.800.927.9277

Napisen lisää

Aamun Hesarin mielipidesivuilla eräs daami kertoi kauhistuttavan tapahtuman. Hän oli joutunut todistamaan, kun koululainen Haagassa oli suojatiellä ylittämässä katua, joutui parinkin auton ahdistelemaksi. Lapsi oli ollut puolessa välissä suojatietä ja autoilija oli sujahtanut edestä ohi. Samaan syssyyn oli toinen auto ajanut yhtä räikeästi. Lapsi oli pelastunut vain, koska oli jähmettynyt paikalleen.   

Hyvien tapojen ja lakiemme mukaan auton on annettava jalankulkijalle tietä. Jarruttamisen pitää alkaa heti, kun autoilija huomaa jalankulkijan suojatien vieressä.

Liikun pyörätuolillani saattajan kanssa melko usein ulkona ja joudun ylittämään katuja. Sama juttu.  Joudun minuuttikaupalla odottamaan, kunnes autot ovat ajaneet tai kenties pusken pyöräni suojatielle ja auto jarruttaa viime tinkaan, vaikka minut on hyvin ja ajoissa voinut nähdä.

Jos kävelet olet köyhä ja sinun on oltava nöyrä. Jos sinulla on fillari, olet arvoasteikolla hieman enemmän. Jos autoilet luulet saavasi mahtailla.

Tiedän, että kohteliaasti ajavia kuljettajiakin löytyy. Kiitän heitä.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hi everybody! And wellcome on my first

And wellcome on my first ever blog page. I am new to it, so looking forward to discover all the features of blogging. For sure I will try do upload good content here:) By the time I will be preparing my content- please review my first ever website : There is another domain name  that will also lead you to the same page. It is The website partners are: my best ever cousen Sasha and one of my really good friends, Oleg. The idea to get us all together and try to create the website was mine:)))) We had fun while starting it all. Now I would like to advance my Internet Marketing skills and get as much traffic as I can. Recent Ultimate Marketing Seminar in London has been of a great help to motivate me to start (finally) working on it.

Neue Spy Shots: Nissan GT-R SpecM und 2011 Infiniti QX56

Es sind wieder ein paar Spy Shots von künftigen Nissan-Modellen aufgetaucht. Der SpecM wurde beim Testen auf dem Nürburgring geknipst und der 2011 Infiniti QX56 irgendwo im Nahen Osten abgelichtet.


Nissan könnte den GT-R SpecM noch heuer auf der Tokyo Motor Show im Oktober enthüllen. Der Wagen kommt im Vergleich zum Standard – GT-R mit einigen Änderungen an der Front und im Heckbereich, die sich aber insgesamt in Grenzen halten dürften…


Auch von der mechanischen Seite her sollte es keine großen Unterschiede geben, der Fokus liegt auf Komfort mit einem weicher abgestimmten Fahrwerk und zahlreichen Ausstattungsvariationen für den Innenraum, mit denen sich jeder Käufer seinen Traumwagen zusammenstellen kann. Sozusagen das Gegenstück zum SpecV *g*.

Foto: autoblog

Auch neu: Die Bilder vom neuen Infiniti QX56. Im Gegensatz zu seinem Vorgänger macht er einen weit gefälligeren Eindruck mit einer weicher gezeichneten Frontpartie mit großem Chrom-Grill, einer hübscheren Seitenansicht ohne auffällige C-Säule und einer Heckpartie, die an den neuen Nissan Patrol erinnert.

Foto: autoblog

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Las Vegas Nevada Bar Fee Information, Finding a Lawyer Cost


Many people who need legal help are reluctant to see a lawyer because they are afraid that legal services are

expensive. Actually, in many cases, fees are moderate in comparison with the benefits gained or the losses

avoided. It often turns out to be more expensive in the long run not to see a lawyer.

How can I find out what it will cost for the legal services I need?

When you first contact a lawyer’s office to make an appointment, ask what the lawyer charges for an initial consultation. When

you consult the lawyer in person, ask at the outset about fees. It is in the best interests of both the lawyer and the client to

have a clear understanding of the fee for the lawyer’s services in advance so there will be no misunderstanding later.

How do lawyers charge?

There are three basic types of fees for legal services. In some cases, particularly civil litigation and

contested domestic matters, the lawyer will charge an hourly fee. The lawyer will keep accurate

time sheets describing the time spent on your case.

In certain other cases, lawyers charge a contingency fee, in which an agreement is made with the

client in advance that the lawyer will get, as a fee, a percentage of the amount recovered after

certain expenses are deducted. In this case, the lawyer is paid only if the client wins the case. In

most cases, the client will be responsible for the costs regardless of the court decision. This is

most commonly seen in personal injury cases.

Finally, there is a flat fee in which the lawyer has a set fee for the service to be provided, regardless

of the time involved. Flat fees are commonly used in defense of criminal charges, some civil

cases and routine matters such as uncontested domestic matters, and preparation of simple wills,

deeds and other similar documents.

How does a lawyer set a fee?

No two situations are alike. A lawyer will consider many of the following factors in arriving at a fair


• Time – A lawyer’s main stock in trade is time and advice.

• Office overhead – When you hire a lawyer, you are hiring the lawyer’s entire law office.

• Ability, skill and reputation – A lawyer often charges based upon his or her skill and reputation acquired in the professional


• The relationship between lawyer and client – In an on-going relationship, in which the client uses the lawyer’s services

regularly with a continual history of payment, the charge for a particular matter may be less than if the employment of the

lawyer is on a one-time or casual basis.

Other issues may be considered in setting fees: novelty and difficulty of the problem; amount of responsibility assumed by the

attorney; custom in the geographical area; or preclusion of other employment during a particular case.

Does any court set rules on legal fees?

Yes. Nevada Rule of Professional Conduct 1.5 defines the factors to be considered in determining the reasonableness of a

lawyer’s fees:

1. the time and labor involved, the novelty and difficulty of the questions involved, and the skill requisite to perform the legal

service properly;

2. the likelihood, if apparent to the client, that the acceptance of the particular employment will preclude other employment by

the lawyer;

3. the fee customarily charged in the locality for similar legal services;

4. the dollar amount involved and the results obtained;

5. the time limitations imposed by the client or by the circumstances;

6. the nature and length of the professional relationship with the client;

7. the experience, reputation and ability of the lawyer or lawyers performing the services; and

8. whether the fee is fixed or contingent.

Over for more

Guten Tag auf dem Schlachtfeld "Abitur"

Ich setzte mich heute in mein Auto und hatte eigentlich keinen Plan, was mich heute erwarten würde, denn ich betrat heute unbekanntes Terrain: nach 11 Jahren trockenem, stinkigem Frontalunterrichts in konventionellen “Klassen” bin ich heute offiziell ins Olymp der “Kler” aufgestiegen, K12 um genau zu sein.

Für die neuen 5. Klässler müssen wir wohl sowas wie kleine Götter sein, jedenfalls bekommt man so ein Gefühl, wenn man mit großen Glubschaugen und offnen Mündern angestarrt wird, sobald man einen Fuß in die Aula setzt, so wie heute morgen. Aber nein, Kinderchen, wenn ihr so alt seit wie wir, werdet ihr feststellen, dass ihr euch noch um keinen Deut schlauer fühlt!

Das fühl ich mich allerdings jetzt immernoch nicht, auch wenn ich jetzt mit Stundenplan, sämtlichen neuen Extra-Regelungen, “Eltern”briefen, Empfangsbestätigungen und was weiß ich noch alles ausgestattet bin…ich weiß nur, dass die nächsten 2 Jahre kein Zuckerschlecken werden. Das hat man uns heute schon zu genüge eindringlichst eingebläut.

“Von nichts kommt nichts.” “Wir werden da knallhart durchgreifen.” “Ihr werdet euch noch ansehen.” “Ich will, dass ihr auf jede Stunde dies und dies und dies und das vorbereitet.” “Referate werden verteilt.” “Vom Ausfragen werde ich absehen, ihr wisst ja dass ihr euch euer Abitur ERKÄMPFEN müsst.” …und noch vieles mehr musste ich mir heute anhören. Ich bin einfach dringesessen und hab versucht ein Pokerface aufzusetzen. Nur nicht zu viel anmerken lassen

Umso mehr war es eine regelrechte Erleichterung als ich das Schulgelände in meinem rotem BMW verlassen konnte.

Wenn ich also am Ende überleben und gewinnen will, werd ich mich jetzt wohl am besten hinsetzen und einen vorzeigefähigen Schlachtplan ausarbeiten…damit ich in 2 Jahren mein Abitur in Händen halte, denn “aufgeben” oder “unterkriegen lassen” gibt es bei mir nicht.



Zucht ende Broem


twee postjes op ne dag.. ge ziet ik ben helemaal fris en monter na onze SpanjeAvonturen.. spits van tong.. en vliegensvlugge vingers.. voor zolang het duurt.. binnen twee weken zit ik weer dagenlang te turen voor mijn Orgastisch Klavier.. en is de deleteknop doorgesleten tot op het tafelblad..

Uwe Gezeefdrukte Lettergreep was nog maar net terug ten Huize Hier toen Zus aan de telefoon hing.. Zus hangt al wel is graag aan dingen.. of ze blijft ergens aan hangen.. Zus is van het hangende type.. nu hing of hong.. nee hing.. of toch hong.. ik ben hier precies int Chinees bezig.. Hing Hong.. Hang Hing Hung… maar ik bedoel dus de verleden tijd van hang.. ge zoekt het zelf maar op.. ik heb gene tijd.. Nu hangt zus eigenlijk nie aan de telefoon.. maar ik moet toch ergens over zeveren..  Zus is vergroeid met de telefoon.. als ge ooit iemand ziet met ne telefoon vastgegroeid aan haar oren.. dan is da mijn Zus.. ze sleept hele dozen telefoons met zich mee.. ze gaat ermee slapen.. ze doet het gras ermee af.. kortom.. soms zie ik op straat een telefooncel of ne gsm.. en ik denk altijd dat Zus er aan komt..

Maar goed.. Zus belde dus.. of ik belde Zus.. da kan ook… en ze was in alle staten.. verrukt van blijdschap.. euforisch tot achter haar oren.. kortom.. ze was in staat van opperste blijheid.. en ik kan u verzekeren.. da wilt ge nie meemaken.. de reden hiervan was dat ze geslaagd was voor hare theorie rijbewijs.. nu denkt ge van da is toch nie zo vreemd.. nee.. maar gij kent mijn Zus nie.. blond.. chaotisch en meestal in een flauw plezante bui.. het angstzweet bekroop mij.. Zus die leert autorijden.. de gedachte dat ze ooit effectief rondrijdt in een autombiel heb ik voorlopig even verbannen.. het leren is al stresserend genoeg..  ik stel mij al voor dat ze in de auto zit en onder hare zetel hare gsm aant zoeken is.. terwijl er voor haar ne autop stopt.. of ze een vriendin tegenkomt en al rijdend uit haar raam hangt en zo nog rap een mopke vertelt.. en daarna schaterlachend net een oud madammeke ontwijkt.. of dat die vriendin bij in de auto zit.. tranen van het lachen belemmeren haar zicht.. vriendin zegt zie is wa ik kan.. en verdwijnt langs de passagierstoel zo in de kofferbak.. nee.. sinds het nieuws dat Zus geslaagd is voor haar theorie heb ik slapeloze nachten..

Erger nog is dat Zus nu ook een auto heeft.. een sportief modelleke in een kleur die ze nie kan uitspreken.. wie had dat ooit gedacht.. Zus met een auto waar ze ook nog mee kan rijden.. en natuurlijk zijn nu alle ogen op mij gericht.. want na Tante  die rijpogingen onderneemt.. is Zus de volgende.. en zij waren altijd mijn excuus om niet toe te treden tot het rijdend mensenras.. jamaar.. dat is iets van bij ons in de familie.. wij rijden nie met auto’s.. zucht ende broem.. nu ben ik de enigste die tegen de bejaardegrens hangt die niet kan rijden..  voorzichtige pogingen worden ondernomen.. en gij.. wanneer gaat gij.. zucht ende broem…

Ik ben niet voor het ijzeren gevaarte op wielen.. doodsangsten sta ik uit bij het idee dat ik zo een ding moet besturen.. moest ne mens moeten rijden.. God had ons wielen gegeven in plaats van tenen..  of is da te ver gezocht..? Maar nu iedereen met de auto kan of leert rijden.. of sommigen een poging tot ondernemen.. Ik denk dat Zus meer al lachend aan de kant van de weg gaat staan.. ben ik de enige die niet overweg kan met den automobiel.. zucht ende broem..

En nu komt de vraag.. waarom kan Uwe IntEngelsenChinese Handleiding niet met den autombiel overweg.. geen idee.. ik ben nooit overreden geweest.. niet met mijn vingers tussen de deur gezeten.. geen motorkap op mijne kop gehad.. nooit verschoten in de achteruitkijkspiegel.. nee. niks traumatisch.. en toch is er de angst en de vrees als ik in een ijzeren gevaarte stap.. dus.. ik weet het niet.. ik heb het mij ook nooit afgevragen.. dus tot nu.. zucht ende broem..

Ohja Zus.. ge doet dat goed..en  bovenstaande foto is ne tip.. onthouden dus hé..

Monday, September 14, 2009



. . .mmmmmmmmm.. . .

thank you, nurse.

(hic) (burp) (hic)

abandon ship

an now 4 mi nex impreshun gojira!


cats with class

cup o’kitty 3

dis mi sid of fenz

don’t declaw

don’t worry

free at last

from hell’s heart


u de uglist cat i evr saw

zombie kittens

when there’s no tuna

you offend me.


hi wuz saf!

hello kitty


hay dog

how many licks

i iz starvn

i dun kar anymoar

i dunno ’bout you

i givz u dis





i rilly hatz comn owt da stargatz

interesting. . .

strategic studies


yer next, biatch

resiztnc iz futil

science lesson 1

oh my god

kangaroo rats

organized crime

i luvz u mommi

identity theft

derz a tare n mi bare


Venerdì il titolo Fiat ha fatto un balzo notevole, sorprendendo (suppongo) i più: a un certo punto è schizzato a 8,83 senza nessun preavviso, senza che nessuno m’invitasse alla festa. Un buon 5 per cento di rialzo, da cui son rimasto fuori perché il 3 settembre avevo detto “Quasi quasi me te compro”, ma poi non l’avevo fatto.

Non immaginavo un movimento tanto repentino, ma così van le cose: è successo che Goldman Sachs ha rivisto in positivo la valutazione di Fiat raccomandando buy e portando il prezzo obiettivo a 10,50. Le motivazioni: la forza del management, focalizzato sulla creazione di valore; la solida performance operativa e finanziaria durante la peggiore crisi — dicono — del mercato globale dell’auto; la buona esposizione all’imminente recupero economico nel settore delle auto e dei camion; le attese positive sul debito che si ritroverà a fine anno, più altre ragioni tecniche.

Resta il fatto che dovevo comprare quando me n’era venuta voglia, invece di stare alla finestra: perché qui alle feste non t’invitano mai.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


There’s is a weekly meet at IKEA every Saturday. I don’t usually go because its kind of far and really a on/off thing. So far every time I go its pretty good. This week they were going out to laser tag, I decided to make it out. Even though I really should have done homework…like two weeks worth…that I should be doing right now…but instead blogging. XD

Video of last night. Sorry for the horrible video quality, lack of effort in editing, overall crap, and everything else. I really didn’t bother making it to presentable because I just have my point and shoot and wanted to take some pictures of the fireworks (yes, our meets have fireworks, its mad JDM yo).

If you couldn’t tell what the were doing around my car, they were putting on some “ricer” crap. Like this:

CRVs totally have SOHC and VTEC because D15s can pull like 3500lbs.

Richzilla’s new logo, the bleeding panda

Nothing says JDM like a drift charm, what’s more is that its a Scion TC, because those are so well known for their drift spec. Lol.

There we have. Insta-rice. ^^d

I’m not sure how long I’m gonna keep that crap on my car. Maybe until a big show…oh waits that’s this Saturday…Pann Auto’s BBQ then Caravan up to NWP meet at Eibach.